Alsof er niets aan de hand is werken we alweer aan het #derde nummer van 2023 van het #tijdschrift 'Caert-Thresoor'. Ditmaal met bijdragen waarin o.a. de #Antillen, #Batavia en #China aan de orde komen. De makkelijkste manier om betrokken te blijven is gewoon een #abonnement nemen op dit blad: als enige in Nederland exclusief gewijd aan historische #kartografie, niet meer dan vier nummers per jaar, voor €37,50 in uw eigen brievenbus. Zie
#kartografie #abonnement #china #batavia #antillen #tijdschrift #derde
RT @beirne_mar
An incredible rejection of right-wing hate and fear in #IL municipal elections yesterday.
I’m especially thrilled for #batavia, which is about to get 3 NEW school board members of color who value diversity, equity, inclusion, and above all the well being of every student.
Silverware from 17th century shipwreck shines with modern technology #archaeology #batavia #shipwrecks
#archaeology #batavia #shipwrecks
This is my bad, comprised of my husband and me. We love Jesus Lizard, so we did a thing
#mailman #jesuslizard #joythieves #danmilligan #batavia
This is my band, comprised of my husband and me. We love Jesus Lizard, so we did a thing
#Batavia #DanMilligan #JoyThieves #JesusLizard #Mailman
#music #LuzahRadio
#luzahradio #music #mailman #jesuslizard #joythieves #danmilligan #batavia
#music #Retro #Industrial #Batavia
Story for the new single... Hope you like it :)
#batavia #industrial #retro #music
Just because...
We just released our new single tonight, which is incredibly personal and one of the most terrifying things I've made public.
If you would like to give it a listen, please feel free.
#selfpromotion #Bandcamp #Batavia #music
#music #batavia #Bandcamp #selfpromotion