The problem about Gotham Knights is the Batcycle feel so slow like a Turtle ,
if character walk with Feet it's faster than the BatCycle
Nexus Mods not fix it
Anyone know a solution for make the batcycle driving feel faster?
#GothamKnights #BatCycle
Not the most expected #lego marriage, you gotta admit, but #marvel and #DCComics does look good together… 😉 #groot #batcycle #batgroot #grootman #grootcycle
#lego #marvel #dccomics #groot #batcycle #batgroot #grootman #grootcycle
Also picked up these
#hotwheels #1/50scale #Batman #1989Batwing Batman forever (?) #Batcycle
and a #Jada #Robocop #OCP #Ford #Taurus
#taurus #ford #OCP #robocop #jada #batcycle #1989batwing #batman #hotwheels