Os icónicos jogos RPG baseados em cartas da Nintendo GameCube, #BatenKaitos: Eternal Wings and The Lost Ocean e #BatenKaitosOrigins, chegam em Alta Definição à Nintendo Switch, no dia 15 de Setembro de 2023, como Baten Kaitos I & II HD REMASTER.
#moshbitgaming #batenkaitosorigins #batenkaitos
Kotaku: Old G4 Review Is Forcing Gaming To Reckon With Its Racist JRPG Past https://kotaku.com/g4-jrpg-racist-baten-kaitos-origins-final-fantasy-1850193005 #gaming #tech #kotaku #batenkaitos3aeternalwingsandthelostocean #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #batenkaitosorigins #socialissues #adamsessler #videogaming #videogames #morganwebb #bobmackey #kimjongil #nintendo #baten #xplay #games #rpg #g4
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #batenkaitos3aeternalwingsandthelostocean #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #batenkaitosorigins #socialissues #adamsessler #videogaming #videogames #morganwebb #bobmackey #kimjongil #nintendo #baten #xplay #games #rpg #g4
There have been a few rumors surrounding a possible remake of #BatenKaitos , which originally has been released exclusively on #gamecube almost 20 years ago.
Not only are the rumors true, they're also quite "incomplete" 😅 . It's now clears since yesterdays #NintendoDirect, that both, the original Baten Kaitos, plus it's prequel, #BatenKaitosOrigins, will be remastered and see a release on #nintendoswitch
#switch #rpg #bandainamco #nintendo #nintendoswitch #batenkaitosorigins #nintendodirect #gamecube #batenkaitos