It bums me out that I wasn’t recording it, but this is the funniest thing I’ve yet to experience in #BatmanArkhamKnight. Every time I’d knocked one guy out and went back to hide under the floor grating, another one went “I think I’ll go check on the guy he knocked out earlier.” They kept this up like clockwork for at least ten times until there were just two enemies left. I would watch the hell out of a #Batman film that had this routine in it. Comedy gold.
[VIDEO] Wir stellen uns dem Riddler, befreien die Straßen von weiteren Schurken und schaffen es, einen weiteren Feuerwehrmann zu retten. Besuchen Sie:
#xcloud #gamepass #xboxcloudgaming #cloudgaming #xboxseriesx #xboxgamer #intags #xbox1 #xbox #xboxone #letsplay #pcgaming #gameplay #videogames #videogaming #videogame #gamingcommunity #games #gameday #youtubegaming #pcgames #gamingpc #intags #gamers #gaming #gamer #jogo #pc #game #jogos #batman #batmanarkhamknight
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In dieser Folge mussten wir die Geheimnisse der Türen lüften und den Weg zwischen den Containern öffnen ...
#batmanarkhamknight #rocksteadystudios #gameplay #xcloud #xboxcloudgaming #gaming #cloudgaming #semcomentários #pedradagamer
#batmanarkhamknight #rocksteadystudios #gameplay #xCloud #xboxcloudgaming #gaming #cloudgaming #semcomentarios #PedradaGamer
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Als wir zum Glockenturm zurückkehren, informiert uns Oracle darüber, was er nicht viel über das Gift der Vogelscheuche herausgefunden hat...
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Gotham City wurde von der Vogelscheuche übernommen, alle sind in der Stadt...
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Komische Tage zur Zeit. Wenigstens kann ich mich an #BatmanArkhamKnight abreagieren.
Harley Quinn has a nice Booty, but no thanks, that’s a little too crazy for me #BatmanArkhamKnight
i wonder what goes on in bruce's mind whenever joker says kinky stuff aimed at him
*arkham knight releases*
#batjokes #batman #joker #arkhamknight #batmanarkhamknight
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 lot de jeux #XboxSeriesX #XboxOne #BATMANARKHAMKNIGHT #MortalKombat #forzahorizon4 #DOOM #trackmania #Theevilwithin #deadrising #injustice2 #TEKKEN7 #Halo
#XboxSeriesX #xboxone #batmanarkhamknight #mortalkombat #forzahorizon4 #doom #trackmania #theevilwithin #deadrising #injustice2 #tekken7 #halo
Since tomorrow’s podcast is basically just me, #TonyaTodd & #AngryAndyReviews quoting #BatmanReturns let’s hear what your favourite quotes are?
#batman #dccomics #catwoman #batmanforever #timburton #batmanbegins #thebatman #brucewayne #batmanvsuperman #batmanandrobin #michaelkeaton #batmantheanimatedseries #dcuniverse #michellepfeiffer #thedarkknight #joker #batmanfan #batmanbeyond #batmanday #gotham #batmancomics #batmanart #selinakyle #dannydevito #batmanvssuperman #batmanarkhamknight
#tonyatodd #angryandyreviews #batmanreturns #batman #dccomics #catwoman #batmanforever #timburton #batmanbegins #thebatman #brucewayne #BatmanVSuperman #batmanandrobin #michaelkeaton #batmantheanimatedseries #dcuniverse #michellepfeiffer #thedarkknight #Joker #batmanfan #batmanbeyond #batmanday #gotham #batmancomics #batmanart #selinakyle #dannydevito #batmanvssuperman #batmanarkhamknight
I like that, due to the mixed reception of #GothamKnights, people are rediscovering #BatmanArkhamKnight and how it was actually a good game.
This isn’t shade. I really liked that game, yes even the driving stuff. Nice to see more people playing it.
#Batman #ArkhamKnight
#arkhamknight #batman #batmanarkhamknight #GothamKnights
Watchful protector.
Game: #BatmanArkhamKnight
Dev: @RocksteadyGames
Console: #XboxSeriesX
#VirtualPhotography #PhotoMode #TheCapturedCollective #VGPUnite #ThePhotoMode #GamerGram #ArtisticofSociety #WorldofVP #VPGamers #ZarnGaming #VPEclipse #VPCONTEXT #PhotoDenUC #VPRetweet
#batmanarkhamknight #xboxseriesx #virtualphotography #photomode #thecapturedcollective #vgpunite #thephotomode #gamergram #artisticofsociety #WorldOfVP #vpgamers #ZarnGaming #VPEclipse #VPCONTEXT #PhotoDenUC #VPRetweet
Crimson sky.
Game: #BatmanArkhamKnight
Dev: @RocksteadyGames
Console: #XboxSeriesX
#VirtualPhotography #PhotoMode #TheCapturedCollective #VGPUnite #ThePhotoMode #GamerGram #ArtisticofSociety #WorldofVP #VPGamers #ZarnGaming #VPEclipse #VPCONTEXT #PhotoDenUC #VPRetweet
#batmanarkhamknight #xboxseriesx #virtualphotography #photomode #thecapturedcollective #vgpunite #thephotomode #gamergram #artisticofsociety #WorldOfVP #vpgamers #ZarnGaming #VPEclipse #VPCONTEXT #PhotoDenUC #VPRetweet
Ready for action.
Game: #BatmanArkhamKnight
Dev: @RocksteadyGames
Console: #XboxSeriesX
#VirtualPhotography #PhotoMode #TheCapturedCollective #VGPUnite #ThePhotoMode #GamerGram #ArtisticofSociety #WorldofVP #VPGamers #ZarnGaming #VPEclipse #VPCONTEXT #PhotoDenUC #VPRetweet
#batmanarkhamknight #xboxseriesx #virtualphotography #photomode #thecapturedcollective #vgpunite #thephotomode #gamergram #artisticofsociety #WorldOfVP #vpgamers #ZarnGaming #VPEclipse #VPCONTEXT #PhotoDenUC #VPRetweet
"Batgirl? 😱 Where?"
Game: #BatmanArkhamKnight
Dev: @RocksteadyGames
Console: #XboxSeriesX
#VirtualPhotography #PhotoMode #TheCapturedCollective #VGPUnite #ThePhotoMode #GamerGram #ArtisticofSociety #WorldofVP #VPGamers #ZarnGaming #VPEclipse #VPCONTEXT #PhotoDenUC #VPRetweet
#batmanarkhamknight #xboxseriesx #virtualphotography #photomode #thecapturedcollective #vgpunite #thephotomode #gamergram #artisticofsociety #WorldOfVP #vpgamers #ZarnGaming #VPEclipse #VPCONTEXT #PhotoDenUC #VPRetweet
Game: #BatmanArkhamKnight
Dev: @RocksteadyGames
Console: #XboxSeriesX
#VirtualPhotography #PhotoMode #TheCapturedCollective #VGPUnite #ThePhotoMode #GamerGram #ArtisticofSociety #WorldofVP #VPGamers #ZarnGaming #VPEclipse #VPCONTEXT #PhotoDenUC #VPRetweet #XboxShare
#batmanarkhamknight #xboxseriesx #virtualphotography #photomode #thecapturedcollective #vgpunite #thephotomode #gamergram #artisticofsociety #WorldOfVP #vpgamers #ZarnGaming #VPEclipse #VPCONTEXT #PhotoDenUC #VPRetweet #xboxshare