C_||_R · @C_II_R
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NATG2023 day 21 - A Pony Kept in the Dawrk

The Nightmare spoke as she stepped closer, her dark dulcet voice making plain the power of the Alicorn's pernicious, ancient magics; and the Batmare couldn't shake the disgust she felt at the similarities it had to her own voice when in more affluent company.
"Something something* darkness, Batmare. Something something something* born and moulded."
The Batmare suppressed a shudder as the Nightmare did go on, “Blah blah blah* not so different, Batmare. Quite unfitting, considering your _true_ name, ISN'T IT??!”

*this is verbatim

#mlp #mylittlepony #mlpart #eqd #nightmaremoon #batmare #natg

Last updated 1 year ago