On Oct, 12th at 4 pm there will be the annual alumni day organized by the ECS Student Chapter Mรผnster in cooperation with @baccara and MEET #Battery Research Center, where alumni ๐ฉโ๐ฌ๐จโ๐ฌ๐ from MEET and Helmholtz-Institute Mรผnster @fzj will share their diverse career journeys.
The in-person event is open to all.
#research #career #batteries #battchat #battery
Finally, the full program for the BACCARA Power Day on Sept, 7th is ready.
Join us for a free conference on #battery #research in Mรผnster's beautiful castle and use the opportunity to discuss your research poster with peers.
Registration: https://wwuindico.uni-muenster.de/event/2110/
Today, Prof. Michael Rath from #Fraunhofer IEG will talk about "Long and Short Term Storages in Energy Concepts" in the #BACCARA public lecture series.
๐๐๏ธ #energystorage #battchat
Please join at 3:30 via Zoom: https://wwu.zoom.us/j/61099136225?pwd=Y04wL3F2eFJMNEp3MkRQMXFIdFV6QT09
#battchat #energystorage #baccara #fraunhofer
Today, Dr. Anja Bielefeld from Justus-Liebig-University Dresden will talk about her work on "Microstructures in (All-) Solid State #Batteries: Origins, Influences and Consequences". ๐
Please feel free to join at 3:30 CEST: https://wwu.zoom.us/j/61099136225?pwd=Y04wL3F2eFJMNEp3MkRQMXFIdFV6QT09
The ECS Student Chapter Mรผnster will host a talk by Prof. Michael Metzger on Friday, June 16th at 10 am CEST. You can either join in person in the MEET hall or dial in via Zoom. See you all there!
#batteries #battchat #energystorage
#energystorage #battchat #batteries
The #BACCARA lecture series in cooperation with ECS Student Chapter Mรผnster continues with a talk on "Redox #Polymers as #Electrode Materials for Next-Generation #Batteries" by Prof. Birgit Esser from Uni Ulm.
Please join on Monday, May, 8th at 3:30 pm CEST. #battchat #energystorage
#energystorage #battchat #batteries #electrode #polymers #baccara
Join us on Monday at 3:30 pm CEST for the talk of Dr. Saskia Wessel from Fraunhofer FBB on "Cell Designs at Fraunhofer FFB - Flexible and Versatile". ๐
Just dial in at:
Fraunhofer FFB is a federally funded research institution for #battery cell production in Germany. Prof. Simon Lux, general manager of FFB, is also member of #BACCARA steering committee. Find out more: ๐
#energystorage #battchat #baccara #battery
The BACCARA public lecture series is back: the first lecture will take place on 24 April at 3:30 pm CEST. Saskia Wessels will talk about "Cell designs at Fraunhofer FFB โ flexible and versatile". ๐
Join us on Zoom: https://wwu.zoom.us/j/61099136225?pwd=Y04wL3F2eFJMNEp3MkRQMXFIdFV6QT09
The complete program will follow soon! #batteries #battchat #electrochemistry #energystorage
#energystorage #electrochemistry #battchat #batteries
Please have a look at the publication of @baccara fellow Egy Adhitama et al. "On the direct correlation between the copper current collector surface area and โdead Liโ formation in zero-excess Li metal #batteries". My group contributed some #AFM roughness measurements ๐ https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/TA/D3TA00097D
Here are some of the ideas that were presented by the participants #battchat
Live from the Italian Design Museum in Milan, Italy, where design students will present their work on innovative solutions for future batteries #battchat
Building on top of yesterday's #dataviz (https://mastodon.green/@pogechi/110027977041623577) here's another chart illustrating #battery installations in Germany as of Q4 2022, with each hue indicating a different Bundesland. Each dot represents a single postcode. At first sight, there isn't such a strong north-south divide as there is an east-west gap in terms of numbers of installations #battchat #energytransition
#dataviz #battery #battchat #energytransition
Battery Pub is back! Join me in five minutes if you can :D #battchat
Have a look at the new preprint by our #BACCARAfellow Elina Nazmutdinova and coworkers on "Water-mediated synthesis of halide solid #electrolyte and conducting polymer hybrid materials for all solid-state #batteries". They developed a water-mediated one-pot synthesis of Li3InCl6 with PEDOT:PSS for use as catholyte component and tested it in combination with NMC particles. https://chemrxiv.org/engage/chemrxiv/article-details/640205d937e01856dc1677b7
#iPECLab #battchat @MicrotoPico
#battchat #ipeclab #batteries #electrolyte #baccarafellow
Well, that was fast. The first chinese electric car on sodium-ion battery.
#battchat #energyStorage #batteries #ev
#ev #batteries #energystorage #battchat
Looks like here is the publishers' answer to the "non-academic perspective" on Li batteries. Great to have a little bit of communication between academia and industry I guess.
#academicpublishing #batteries #energystorage #battchat
Things about Solid State Packaging that you are often not told
https://www.batterydesign.net/things-about-solid-state-packaging-that-you-are-often-not-told/ #battchat
Quite a revealing article about setting up a battery factory. Might be good to share with people outside the industry to explain the complexities within it.
#battchat #energyStorage #batteries
#batteries #energystorage #battchat
Intercalation station. From a newsletter on all things about batteries through professional community to an angel investment network. A great move.
#energystorage #battchat #batteries