Roll up, creatures and critters, frogs and goblins 🐸
Following its world premiere at Fierce Festival last year, Oozing Gloop's Tentacular Spectacular is coming to Battersea Arts Centre this June!
Public ticket sales open Friday:
📸Photos by Manuel Vason
#TentacularSpectacular #BatterseaArtsCentre #OozingGloop #OlympiaBukkakis #BonnieBakeneko #Shrek666 #QueerTheatre #GoblinCore #LondonTheatre
#tentacularspectacular #batterseaartscentre #oozinggloop #olympiabukkakis #bonniebakeneko #shrek666 #queertheatre #goblincore #londontheatre
Booking now open to the public!
We are so excited that Cade and MacAskill's The Making of Pinocchio will be returning to Battersea Arts Centre this November, after its brilliant UK premiere last summer.
Get your tickets here:
📸Photo by Christa Holka
#TheMakingOfPinocchio #BatterseaArtsCentre #CadeAndMacAskill #QueerTheatre #LondonTheatre
#themakingofpinocchio #batterseaartscentre #cadeandmacaskill #queertheatre #londontheatre