If you know me, you know that I love horror writing, and ghost stories in general. I've been listening to the #Uncanny podcast since its inception, and the #BatterseaPoltergeist podcast previously.
This last week's episode intrigued me because of its stark simplicity and got me thinking about the power of certain signifiers.
Have a listen: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/s2-case-9-the-beast-of-langeais/id1589938734?i=1000615054708 1/
#batterseapoltergeist #uncanny
Completely gripped by the #witchfarm, the latest podcast from the brilliant Danny Robins. Am hardcore Team Sceptic, but had doubts creep in about a few of Ciaran’s ‘natural explanations’ during #BatterseaPoltergeist and #UncannyPodcast, but am now finding it almost impossible to find the rational explanations any less bizarre and unlikely than the supernatural ones. One more multi-witness event like ep 6 and I may fall head long into Team Believer. Am I alone in this?
#uncannypodcast #batterseapoltergeist #witchfarm