I’m doing a #JetLagTheGame rewatch (because I just love #CompetitiveTravel shows so much that the wait for the next series is already weighing on me. Just got to the bit in #Battle4America where Brian just absolutely no-sells Sam’s ridiculous notion that he needs to come up with a cover story to get UPS to Ship the game card and it has once again absolutely sent me https://youtu.be/idiCtICGlCA
#jetlagthegame #competitivetravel #battle4america
Just watched #JetLagTheGame #Battle4America Episode 1, another absolute banger. I love this show, the world needs more #CompetitiveTravel shows #NebulaApp #Nebula #Wendover #WendoverProductions
#jetlagthegame #battle4america #competitivetravel #nebulaapp #nebula #wendover #WendoverProductions