My son and I have been working on a #battlebot. First weapons test was mildly terrifying.
Steel For Your Fighting Robot - The job of processing video after a large event must be a thankless one for whiche... - #robotshacks #metallurgy #battlebot #steel
#steel #battlebot #metallurgy #robotshacks
#nuclearblastrecords has always been one of my favorite record labels and the other day I found out they sponsor a #battlebot name Blacksmith. 🤘
#nuclearblastrecords #battlebot
Weil ich sofort wieder an einen der coolsten Bots überhaupt denken muss, anbei Bilder von #MegaTento (てんとう虫 tentōmushi bedeutet Marienkäfer), dem #BattleBot von #LisaWinter.
#megatento #battlebot #lisawinter
Ansonsten: Ich habe gerade #BattleBot-Content in der TL und bin hart neidisch auf die, die aktuelle Staffeln sehen können.
Habe noch keinen Weg gefunden, das von DE aus zu machen. Vllt muss ich die andere schwarze Flagge wieder auskramen.
new [VIDEO] BattleBot Competition (Dec 2022)
#nced #edtechsr #robotics #stem #edtech #battlebot
new [VIDEO] BattleBot Competition (Dec 2022)
#stem #robotics #battlebot #edtechsr #edtech #nced
ended up staying up way to late looking into making an Antwieght #BattleBot
am i really going to do this?
I enjoy working with electronics and building insect class battlebots!
One way to learn robust hardware design is to bring your creation to a fight and stress it to the breaking point. Strong mechanical design is obvious, but good circuit design can allow your bot to continue working through many faults, and possibly even win!
#beetleweight #combatRobotics #battlebot #antweight