G'night nerds, I love you.
P.S. I can't believe we're getting new #BattleBots AND new #OFMD on the same day in less than a month!!!! 🙌
Uppercut vs Ribbot. Had food issue and missed ribbot winning that. Wow #2020championship #battlebots
Y’know what I love most in the world? People nerding out about the stuff they love. The glee is infectious.
Case in point: Mikey Neumann’s newest ‘FilmJoy’ episode about the sport of… Battlebots. https://youtu.be/vAgU24rbDpA #Battlebots #FilmJoy
Here it is on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAgU24rbDpA #FilmJoy #Battlebots
Not to brag, but I DESTROYED my wife and kids this year in the #Battlebots brackets 😂😂😂😂
I only missed 4 points!!! I should have put money on this. Younger son came in second with like 16 points.
? Have heard the annoouncer on Battlebots saying that a team "Got off the schneid". I'm not from the US so I don't have a clue what this means. Does anyone know??? Thanks.
@chizeck I've been watching it for years - and #RobotWars here in the UK for long before that. Having just seen a video-commenter doing a piece on it, I looked on the #BattleBots tag, and found https://www.youtube.com/@nhrl - it's lighter-weight bots, but some of the designs (and people) look quite familiar....
I've just watched the new video from #FilmJoy: "A Love Letter to #Battlebots - Movies with Mikey" and I love it - garden-rake & all.
If you don't have #NebulaTV, I'd think it will be on YouTube in a few weeks
#filmjoy #battlebots #nebulatv
Guess I haven't really done an intro of any substance yet. Hi all!
I'm Leah, and I've substituted gay pirate obsession for having a personality. Besides the #ofmd fandom and all the lovely people in it, I greatly enjoy #battlebots, #kaiju movies, #scifi, #parrots, #cats, and #karaoke. I'm a big ol' #reprohealth and #reprorights nerd too.
So... Yeah. Long live this little new old-school home that makes the internet feel kinda fun again. Can we bring back GOOD search engines while we're at it?
#ofmd #battlebots #kaiju #scifi #parrots #cats #karaoke #reprohealth #reprorights
Just been watching BattleBots. Excellent stuff.
It would be good to see autonamous robots fighting. I would guess, given the limitations of AI, that it may not be as entertaining as a bot driven by a human driver, but it would be a great test of machine-based driving, senses & tactics.
( I miss Philippa Forrester from the BBC's Robot Wars. Loved the way she took the mickey out of the contestants! :-)
It was good.
There's also a bonus episode about the top 10 nastiest knockouts.
I hope it's something they stick on YouTube so perhaps more people will start watching BattleBots.
It's kind of nice having watched it for three , maybe four seasons and getting to know the personalities and robots.
@developerjustin I haven’t even paid attention just because I’ve been watching too much #BattleBots.
I don’t know why people never talk about the best show on TV, #BattleBots. I don’t pay (but I do) for Max because it’s “free” through my carrier but I was excited when Discovery/HBO merged so I can watch it.
I did quite a bit of basic woodworking this weekend. First, my son is getting into combat robotics and built his first 1lb "antweight" flipper robot. It is a two-wheel model and the plow scrapes the surface when it drives.
I ended up making a 4'x4' battlebot arena out of MDF and some lumber so he could practice driving without damaging our actual floor. The current walls are a temporary solution until I build something a bit more compact.