Land Raider Carrier with full interior and LED's done
First time doing LED's and was a lot easier than I had expected
#WarhammerCommunity #Warmongers #Warmaidens #Waranthem #Warwardens #Alphalegion #HorusHeresy #30k #battlebunnies #ageofdarkness #ad
#warhammercommunity #warmongers #warmaidens #Waranthem #Warwardens #alphalegion #horusheresy #30k #battlebunnies #ageofdarkness #ad
I've had a busy Weekend painting stuff !
Finished my Primus Medicae, Moritat to go lead my Destroyers and a Master of Signals just because I like the model
#WarhammerCommunity #Warmongers #Warmaidens #Waranthem #Warwardens #Alphalegion #HorusHeresy #30k #battlebunnies #ageofdarkness #ad
#warhammercommunity #warmongers #warmaidens #Waranthem #Warwardens #alphalegion #horusheresy #30k #battlebunnies #ageofdarkness #ad