Régi emlékek. Egy kis #battlefield3 CQ videó kedves barátomtól, Csicótól https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qtPIx23VIs #gaming #closequarters #multiplayer #kntr
#battlefield3 #gaming #closequarters #multiplayer #kntr
Estoy viendo a #IlloJuan jugar al #Battlefield3. Qué pintaza tiene. En ofertita se pilla.
Und ja, man sieht es ist ein Klon weil sauviele der Maps sind effektiv aus #Battlefield Bad Company 2, #Battlefield3 und #Battlefield4 kopiert...
#Battlefield4 #battlefield3 #Battlefield
Nice! I just finished Battlefield 3 story mode 👍 It's an old game, but I never played it before.
Nice! I just finished Battlefield 3 story mode 👍 It's an old game, but I never played it before.
Carrying on I'd probably go with games that influenced me the most:
There are many, many more if I go back in time, maybe should have included #TheHobbit text adventure from the ZX Spectrum 😁
#thehobbit #borderlands #battlefield3 #bioshock #dayofdefeat #doom
Gaming Evening 05/21 - #AgeOfEmpires3 #Evolve #Battlefield3 #Linux @_MoveMaster_@twitter.com @AntlionAudio@twitter.com #ModMic http://twitch.tv/corben78 https://www.pscp.tv/w/curqOjFYSlFrZG9iT3luS0x8MXlvSk1BRFZQZW9KUWvmekln2-AjHAYMZDJrWtEK_gFLo2-wFpAtd9UOLgcf
#AgeOfEmpires3 #evolve #battlefield3 #linux #ModMic
Gaming Evening 03/21 - #WormsRumble #Left4Dead2 #Battlefield3 #Linux @_MoveMaster_@twitter.com @AntlionAudio@twitter.com #ModMic http://twitch.tv/corben78 https://www.pscp.tv/w/cth1PTFYSlFrZG9iT3luS0x8MWRqR1hxWE5McGtKWr3_UUWId2NI76GsTdNX4D38v0ainmAiDFUbKfepF2Wi
#left4dead2 #battlefield3 #linux #WormsRumble #ModMic