A quotation from Austen, Jane:
it is always incomprehensible to a man that a woman should ever refuse an offer of marriage. A man always imagines a woman to be ready for any body who asks her.
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#quote #quotes #quotation #availability #battleofthesexes #marriage #men #proposal #women
#quote #quotes #quotation #availability #battleofthesexes #marriage #men #proposal #women
A quotation from Austen, Jane:
I cannot think well of a man who sports with any woman’s feelings; and there may often be a great deal more suffered than a stander-by can judge of.
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#quote #quotes #quotation #abuse #battleofthesexes #cad #dalliance #perspective #suffering #tease
#quote #quotes #quotation #abuse #battleofthesexes #cad #dalliance #perspective #suffering #tease
fascinating article about the battle of sexes in the 1400s. Books regarding fighting were published in Germany including the battle of the sexes!
Late medieval courts sentenced arguing couples to fight, with the men disadvantage by being placed in a pit.
Battles of the Sexes: Duels between Women and Men in 1400s Fechtbücher
#15century #history #artwork #genderhistory #battleofthesexes #fechtbucher
fascinating article about the battle of sexes in the 1400s. Books regarding fighting were published in Germany, and then them included the battle of the sexes! Apparently courts my sentence, arguing couples to fight, with the men disadvantage piping placed in a pit.
Battles of the Sexes: Duels between Women and Men in 1400s Fechtbücher
#15century #history #artwork #genderhistory #battleofthesexes #fechtbucher
A quotation from Wollstonecraft, Mary:
“Educate women like men,” says Rousseau, “and the more they resemble our sex the less power will they have over us.” This is the very point I aim at. I do not wish them to have power over men; but over themselves.
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#quote #quotes #quotation #battleofthesexes #equality #feminism #genderequality #power
#quote #quotes #quotation #battleofthesexes #equality #feminism #GenderEquality #power
Battle of the Sexes - Klare Empfehlung!
Ein großartiger Film über verdammt mutige Sportlerinnen zu der damaligen Zeit.
#battleofthesexes #wta #tennis #billiejeanking