I scrambled to get a few more levels, bought one at 1:52 when I wasn't sure about the cut-off time, but I'm going to be about 13 shy of finishing, and I'm not dropping $15 of V-Bucks to do that. Extra cool that you can't get the one-time 25 level bonus price if you have less than 25 levels to go. Cool and good. #fortnite #fomo #battlepass
I've been thinking about how exploitative the whole idea of a battle pass is again. Specifically with Fortnite where it's all about the cosmetics, getting vbucks which only a handful of people who bought a niche singleplayer mode before a select date can get without real money, etc.
But now that I think of it, is the whole "fortnite creative promotional" things the real exploitation? y'know in a "roblox child labor" type way?
#Fortnite #BattlePass #Roblox #Gaming #VideoGames #Exploitation
#fortnite #battlepass #roblox #gaming #videogames #exploitation
Kotaku: Diablo IV’s Stingy Battle Pass Won’t Let You Afford Even A Single Item https://kotaku.com/diablo-4-iv-season-malignant-battle-pass-platinum-1850671621 #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #blizzardentertainment #roleplayingvideogames #microtransaction #videogamesequels #gamesasaservice #virtualeconomy #blizzardgames #windowsgames #battlepass #blizzcon #diablo #sports
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #blizzardentertainment #roleplayingvideogames #microtransaction #videogamesequels #gamesasaservice #virtualeconomy #blizzardgames #windowsgames #battlepass #blizzcon #diablo #sports
Trochę jednak szkoda, że nie będzie można nabyć kolejnego Battle Passa po wymaksowaniu 😦
#battlepass #diabloiv #Diablo4 #giereczkowo #gry #pograne
Das sind doch mal gute Nachrichten. #Blizzard hat für #DiabloIV einen #BattlePass angekündigt der nichts kostet. Find ich cool.
Müssen aber noch ein paar Tage bis Season 1 warten. Am 20.06. gehts los. 😈
#Blizzard #diabloiv #battlepass
Kotaku: The Ladies Of The Witcher Are Storming Fortnite https://kotaku.com/fortnite-witcher-ciri-yennefer-item-shop-vbucks-1850572369 #gaming #tech #kotaku #continuousindividualizedriskindex #thetoweroftheswallow #creativeworks #geraltofrivia #bloodofelves #thewitcher3 #thewitcher #battlepass #videogames #epicgames #fortnite #thehexer #yennefer #zireael #fiction #geralt #ciri
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #continuousindividualizedriskindex #thetoweroftheswallow #creativeworks #geraltofrivia #bloodofelves #thewitcher3 #thewitcher #battlepass #videogames #epicgames #fortnite #thehexer #yennefer #zireael #fiction #geralt #ciri
Kotaku: Valve Is Ditching Battle Passes Since Most Players ‘Never Buy’ One https://kotaku.com/dota-2-csgo-moba-pc-gaming-battle-pass-frontiers-valve-1850556830 #gaming #tech #kotaku #defenseoftheancients #valvecorporation #freeonlinegames #videogamemods #windowsgames #videogaming #linuxgames #battlepass #videogames #gaming #sports #valve #dota2 #dota
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #defenseoftheancients #valvecorporation #freeonlinegames #videogamemods #windowsgames #videogaming #linuxgames #battlepass #videogames #sports #valve #dota2 #dota
Kotaku: Fortnite’s New Battle Pass Features ‘This Is Fine’ Joke https://kotaku.com/fortnite-this-fine-emote-season-4-chapter-3-battle-pass-1850522817 #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #fortnitebattleroyale #battleroyalegame #alfonsoribeiro #fadsandtrends #windowsgames #battleroyale #videogaming #battlepass #videogames #epicgames #fortnite #kcgreen #gaming #floss #milly
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #fortnitebattleroyale #battleroyalegame #alfonsoribeiro #fadsandtrends #windowsgames #battleroyale #videogaming #battlepass #videogames #epicgames #fortnite #kcgreen #floss #milly
Kotaku: Fornite's New Season Sees Island Collapse, Transformers And Dinos Take Over https://kotaku.com/fortnite-season-3-transformers-cybertron-dinosaurs-wild-1850520772 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamedevelopment #fadsandtrends #actionmasters #windowsgames #optimusprime #videogaming #spychangers #battlepass #videogames #epicgames #autobots #fortnite
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamedevelopment #fadsandtrends #actionmasters #windowsgames #optimusprime #videogaming #spychangers #battlepass #videogames #epicgames #autobots #fortnite
Canadian Tire introduces its own #battlepass ? https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/canadian-tire-launches-fee-based-triangle-rewards-subscription-program-for-89-year-1.6310806
Rocksteady's new game is a Games as a Service, has a Battle Pass, AND will require a constant internet connection for single player content.
It just keeps getting better and better.
#rocksteady #wbgames #suicidesquad #gaas #battlepass
“What went wrong with gaming?” Hayes 2022. #JoshStrifeHayes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g16heGLKlTA
#Gaming #Monetization #DLC #LootBoxes #Microtransactions #BattlePass #Entertainment #Capitalism
#joshstrifehayes #gaming #monetization #dlc #lootboxes #microtransactions #battlepass #entertainment #capitalism
6600 crowns in #FallGuys and also unlocked the Great Old Guy skin in the #battlepass
6600 crowns in #FallGuys and also unlocked the Great Old Guy skin in the #battlepass
Let me support your game without disrespecting my time.
Life is getting busy, other games and hobbies compete for my leisure time. For example I'd love to buy into Destiny’s big expansion pass again, but the extra grind is just pointless and I'd waste money.
Just let me have fun with friends the few times we can all get together, still able to toss some money at your game without losing out on stuff because I'm human and have a job.
#Overwatch2 #destiny2 #battlepass
I hate battle passes and paid cosmetics. They don't really add anything to the gameplay, so I don't bother. I will sometime buy things like maps, extra dungeons/levels (e.g. Halo map packs, Ashes of Ariandel for DS3).
#overwatch2 #overwatch #halo #haloinfinte #battlepass #dlc
#dlc #battlepass #haloinfinte #halo #overwatch #overwatch2
I hate battle passes and paid cosmetics. They don't really add anything to the gameplay, so I don't bother. I will sometimes buy things like maps, extra dungeons/levels (e.g. Halo map packs, Ashes of Ariandel for DS3).
#overwatch2 #overwatch #halo #haloinfinte #battlepass #dlc
#dlc #battlepass #haloinfinte #halo #overwatch #overwatch2
Вот это я понимаю скины в батлпасе в нормальной игре. А не вот это всё во всяких апексах, варзонах и прочих радугах.
#games #superpeople #battlepass