I just pulled a big #battlecruiser mechanical AT-style #keyboard out of storage - an #Ortek #MCK142Pro with a 5 pin mini din plug.
Its a beast, with 24 programmable keys.
A recent blog post, with photos, by someone who has a nicer one than I do: https://ryandlewis.dev/posts/mck142pro/
#MechanicalKeyboard #Hardware #VintageComputing #Battleship
#battlecruiser #keyboard #ortek #mck142pro #mechanicalkeyboards #mechanicalkeyboard #hardware #vintagecomputing #battleship
Can anyone from the US Navy answer my question?
I see that SSN-797 (prime number btw) will be named USS Iowa. What happens if some genius reactivates BB-61? Yes I know she's a museum ship, but BIGGA BADDA BOOM.
Unlikely to occur but I'm curious. Could there be two USS Iowas in service?
#usnavy #ssn797 #submarine #battleship #bb61 #iowa
Watching more YouTubes about #js8spotter and I think I might be able to set up a form that makes it easy & efficient to play #BattleShip over HF.
#js8spotter #battleship #HamRadio
Game 55: Battle Shippe (1994), by Cooper Games.
A self-proclaimed "humorous" adaptation of the Battleship board game that shows "amusing" lines when shots hit or miss.
What definitely isn't funny is the lack of mouse support in this 1994 game. Everything is done by typing in coordinates which makes placing your fleet at the start of a game very tedious.
There's also no AI to play against and no modem or network features.
No, nothing about this game makes me laugh.
My newest blog post explores the benefits of iterative development through the classic game of Battleship. Learn how to sink or swim in your projects with this fun and interactive approach 🚢 #agile #development #Battleship 🌊👨💻👩💻
#agile #development #battleship
Justin and his son revisit the 1967 Milton Bradley classic, Battleship! Join us to find out if the game holds up.
#BoardGames #BackInTheDay #ClassicGaming #Battleship #YouSunkMyBattleship
#YouSunkMyBattleship #battleship #classicgaming #backintheday #boardgames
RT @MarkJLindquist
Once upon a time I was in the movie #Battleship with Rihanna & Liam Neeson - in #Ukraine the game is called “Sea Battle!” I saw the kiddos received the board game to play with! How fun! You see? We aren’t so different! People around the 🌍 are people & enjoy similar things!
Speaking of #PeterBerg, he directed the #Battleship movie. If Battleship can be a movie, #Tetris can be a #TV series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BLM1naCfME
#peterberg #battleship #tetris #tv
Today’s Flickr photo with the most hits: the galley of the WWII battleship USS North Carolina. Now a museum ships, moored in Wilmington, NC.
#WWII #battleship #USSNorthCaolina #wilmington #NorthCarolina
#wwii #battleship #ussnorthcaolina #wilmington #northcarolina
Kotaku: This Whole Plane Started Playing IRL Battleship To Figure Out Who Farted https://kotaku.com/airplane-battleship-board-game-viral-tiktok-fart-1850034616 #gaming #tech #kotaku #medicalspecialties #clinicalmedicine #digestivesystem #miltonbradley #battleship #flatulence #devinhance #flatulist #medicine #tiktok #iphone #kotaku #sorry #fart
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #medicalspecialties #clinicalmedicine #digestivesystem #miltonbradley #battleship #flatulence #devinhance #flatulist #medicine #tiktok #iPhone #sorry #fart
Wieso steht im Hintergrund des ehemaligen Oberbefehlshabers der #NATO das Schiffe-versenken-Spiel #Battleship von Hasbro?
Battleship Texas in dry dock under repair at the Port of Galveston.
Video (14 mins): https://youtu.be/ZSAWHsKaDaA
#museum #shipbuilding #battleship #history #galveston
#darkmechanicum Desecrator Battleship!
Rules available at the rules hub (check bio).
#darkmechanicum #battlefleetgothic #warhammer #battleship
Another photo of the USS New Jersey (BB-62) firing a full broadside. Note the streamers in the water as 88,000 tons of ship is moved sideways from the force of the blasts.
Each 16" gun can deliver a 2,000lb shell of high explosives onto a 10X10 ft target at 25 miles.
#USSNewJersey #Battleship #USNavy
photo courtesy US Navy
#ussnewjersey #battleship #usnavy
@AdmiralStav Sometimes you need to know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em. (RIP KR) You were dead in the water before the game even came out of the closet. 🤣 I’ll be sleeping more soundly when she’s in charge! 😉 Brava! #Battleship #GirlsRule
Sunken 55
#TriFive #Chevy #SunkenShip #FiftyFive #BattleShip #Chevrolet #Shoebox #HotRod #MidFifty #American #Columbus #Nebraska #Loup #Canal #DetroitRIpRap
#trifive #chevy #sunkenship #fiftyfive #battleship #chevrolet #shoebox #HotRod #midfifty #american #Columbus #Nebraska #Loup #canal #detroitriprap
I made a battleship game, it can run in your terminal or in a window and you can play it over LAN or the internet if you forward a port.
#rustlang #egui #gamedev #battleship
The US battleship USS Idaho opens fire - Okinawa - April 1945. The USS Idaho was a New Mexico class battleship. It was launched on 30th June 1917 and saw action in World War II. It was later sold for scrap a little over 2 years after this photo on 24th November 1947 #worldwartwo #worldwar2 #ww2 #worldatwar #secondworldwar #conflict #history #worldwartwopictures #war #worldwar2pictures #historyofwar #historyofwarfare #ussidaho #okinawa #battleship #usnavy #warinthepacific
#worldwartwo #worldwar2 #ww2 #worldatwar #secondworldwar #conflict #history #worldwartwopictures #war #worldwar2pictures #historyofwar #historyofwarfare #ussidaho #okinawa #battleship #usnavy #warinthepacific
La réédition du jeu #battleship dans sa toute première version de1967 est vraiment très sympa, mais quelques détails ont été modifiés par rapport à l'illustration de la boîte originale. Sauras-tu les retrouver ?
#battleship #touchecoule #retro #vintage
Who else noticed the nod to the game #Battleship in these communications consoles in #StarWars #TheLastJedi? 🥳😂
#starwars #thelastjedi #battleship