@shanebaxley on IG “Creative on your favorite films” shares concept art for several Terrorcons and Autobots alt modes. Of course, we’re biased to the Terrorcons! 🤘🤘
“Bunch of vehicle mods done for #transformersriseofthebeasts I was pushing hard for black nose #bumblebee 🤣 Go check out his robot mode done by the team @parallax.la as well as #Wheeljack the #vwbus Nissan #r33 for #nightbird and the tow truck for #battletrap Check out @furio_tedesc...
Full post: https://www.unicron.com/news/post_redirect.php?story_fbid=796301562150742&id=317740274911
#transformersriseofthebeasts #bumblebee #wheeljack #vwbus #r33 #nightbird #battletrap
No Spoilers...
As a #BeastWars fan, I am APPALLED...at how much fun I had with #Transformers #RiseoftheBeasts! Overall a fantastic entry to the franchise and certainly one of the best.
Yes, I'm disappointed #Cheetor (and #Rhinox, too) didn't have larger roles to match #OptimusPrimal or #Airazor's, but I'm satisfied with what I got. I also liked #Nightbird and surprisingly liked #Battletrap.
Gimme more beasts!
#beastwars #transformers #riseofthebeasts #cheetor #rhinox #optimusprimal #airazor #nightbird #battletrap #movie #review
Tformers.com: #Transformers #RiseOfTheBeasts #ROTB SS-99 #Battletrap In-Hand Images & Video
#battletrap #rotb #riseofthebeasts #transformers
Looks like #RiseoftheBeasts #Bumblebee and #Battletrap are the only new Transformers going up for preorder today, at least on Entertainment Earth, BBTS, and Hasbro Pulse.
#riseofthebeasts #bumblebee #battletrap