I’m very sorry to hear of the passing of Shihan Demura Fumio. It is a terrible loss to all members of #Shitoryu #Genbukai and the whole martial arts community. I was extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to train with him and his students in #karate, #kobudo, and #batto.
#batto #kobudo #karate #genbukai #shitoryu
Flick: `Mancini fantastico ma domani lo batto` - Calcio - ANSA #flick #mancini #fantastico #domani #batto #calcio #3giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYW5zYS5pdC9zaXRvL25vdGl6aWUvc3BvcnQvY2FsY2lvLzIwMjIvMDYvMDMvY2FsY2lvLWdlcm1hbmlhLWZsaWNrc29ycHJlbmRlLWl0YWxpYS1jb3NpZmlkdWNpYS1pbi1tYW5jaW5pX2Q3N2E3Yjc0LTgzOWItNGZmNC1iYzA4LTMyNDcyNTc3ZjdlMS5odG1s
#3giugno #calcio #batto #domani #fantastico #mancini #flick