Jacqui · @jacqui76
267 followers · 3351 posts · Server mastodon.ie

@keptthereceipts @bullivant

Legislation, modern Abortion legislation and Irish Language legislation. I don't think there is any desire to give any of that up to satisfy people who have no clue what being 'woke' means.

I would rather get rid of the likes of , and the rest of bottom of the barrel that currently wears a Tory badge!

#30pLee #baverman

Last updated 1 year ago

Jacqui · @jacqui76
263 followers · 3132 posts · Server mastodon.ie

@harriettmb @pennine

Harriett, as you know, that is exactly what I think the are planning.

They are getting their house in order when it comes to Northern Ireland, so they can get out of here without anything hanging over them.

I will be happy to be corrected on this, if anyone thinks that the British Government are happy to have us part of their ?

Then they can leave ECHR to their heart's content, so they can keep the likes of , and happy!

#Sunak #baverman #30pLee #tories #union

Last updated 1 year ago

Jacqui · @jacqui76
199 followers · 1889 posts · Server mastodon.ie


Or goes before that, she resigns, so he can't use her as for the failure of their policies.

She can return to the backbenches were the NAT C's can flock to her. Causing more irritation!

She really doesn't want to be in the Home Office when the figures come out. They are going to be bad for them. Which hurt her right wing, racist & xenophobic image!

#baverman #scapegoat #immigration #Sunak

Last updated 1 year ago

Jacqui · @jacqui76
198 followers · 1851 posts · Server mastodon.ie

@harriettmb @bioluminescently

Jeff isn't going to get anything more from Sunak, he has moved on. He is trying to save his own skin after the local elections. Now the latest scandal. Jeff, NI and Brexit is in the rear view mirror!


Last updated 1 year ago

Jacqui · @jacqui76
166 followers · 982 posts · Server mastodon.ie


I think he won't be going anywhere. will tough it out with the way the did with

He brought back the excuse of a human being that is . So holding onto doesn't seem that far of a stretch!

#Sunak #rabb #humanhaystack #patel #baverman #sackrabb

Last updated 1 year ago

Jacqui · @jacqui76
163 followers · 900 posts · Server mastodon.ie


allowed the likes of and to say the xenophobic cr*p out loud.

They believe they are allow for say it because of .

It is good that it is out in the open. At least, they can't pretend to be decent human beings anymore.

#brexit #patel #baverman #englishexceptionalism

Last updated 1 year ago

Jacqui · @jacqui76
142 followers · 597 posts · Server mastodon.ie

I have haven't been paying attention to the island because of (not even MrJoB)

I have just seen this from the Guardian - attacking because of her language. Now is it because they disagree with her? or is because she is harming them by confirming that the are exactly 'that' type of party!

#big #bideninireland #tories #baverman #toriesout #generalelectionnow

Last updated 1 year ago

Jacqui · @jacqui76
131 followers · 394 posts · Server mastodon.ie

I am not a supporter of any English political party, I am in after all and whoever is in power at shafts us.

However the outrage at this feels like the anger they wanted you to feel about a , when the human haystack was partying in .

Also, if your calling this out, what about using parliamentary privilege to repeat the Saville slur or anything uttered by or .

#ni #westminster #curry #No10 #johnson #baverman #30pLee

Last updated 1 year ago

Peter Keating · @orangutanwriter
46 followers · 901 posts · Server mindly.social
Peter Keating · @orangutanwriter
36 followers · 572 posts · Server mindly.social

Yet other colossal balls up from the department of incontinence led by the chief cow in chief 😩
How do you lose children in your care?☠️ ☠️
apologies to Oscar Wilde - “'To lose one CHILD, Ms Bavermam, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness. And will she resign hell no, these are white UK kids...

#alttext #migration #ukpolitics #baverman #SuellaBraverman

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Keating · @orangutanwriter
32 followers · 468 posts · Server mindly.social

A good article looking at the Tory love affair with the 'stab in the back' ideas on the enemy within coming from outside. Why does it take an 82yr to remind us of what we pretend not to see and hear?
quote -Far from being a mere slip of the tongue, racism, he argues, “has saturated the party from the beginning of the 19th century to the second decade of the 21st”.

#alttext #ukpolitics #baverman #racism #Holocaust

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Keating · @orangutanwriter
29 followers · 434 posts · Server mindly.social

yes as #1984 has finally arrived with the thought police, thanks to I'm wondering where they seem to find all these police officers yet you can get one to investigate a normal criminal offence. Oh, looks like they'll be knocking on the door shortly.


Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Keating · @orangutanwriter
21 followers · 270 posts · Server mindly.social

I'm shocked, by the Home sec not moving the Navy to deal with this illegal migrant. How has this refugee from the north been allowed to sit here and destroy a perfect good firework display and then calmly get back into the sea ( as well as flashing) and pitch up further along the coast...
Home sec get a grip were being overrun by victims

#Altext #migration #baverman #politics #thor #ClimateChange

Last updated 2 years ago