Daily #SteveKimock. The second #Zero studio record on Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab. The vinyl was an audiophile’s dream. All great tracks but for me Theme From Nancy Germany is the standout.
#stevekimock #zero #mastomusic #guitar #slideguitar #steelguitar #bayareasound
Daily #SteveKimock. After Steve moved to CA in 78 he had several encounters with the #GratefulDead circle by way of a couple of people. One of them was his bandmate #RalphLiberto who had played with #BobWeir and related projects.
This ultimately led to a stint with #Kingfish. In the mid-80s. Here’s a decent recording of one of the shows from that era.
#stevekimock #gratefuldead #ralphliberto #bobweir #kingfish #mastomusic #bayareasound #guitar
Daily #SteveKimock. Zeroooooooo! Chutup!
#stevekimock #mastomusic #guitar #improvisation #bayareasound
Daily #SteveKimock. How about some #HotTuna with Toast? (Steve is often called by his fans #TheLittleToaster).
He and Jorma go back to the late 70s when the Goodman Brothers opened for Tuna.
Steve enters the show at the 43 minute mark.
#stevekimock #hottuna #thelittletoaster #mastomusic #bayareasound
Daily #SteveKimock. Speaking of #Zero, here's some pretty hilarious footage of their date on the #JoeyBavaresco show in 1986. This is when #JohnCipollin was still with us. Covering #ArethaFranklin's Baby, I Love You aka "Baby, Baby."
The music starts at around 4:20, but the whole thing is a hoot.
#mastomusic #BayAreaSound
#Improvisation #Guitar
#stevekimock #zero #joeybavaresco #johncipollin #arethafranklin #mastomusic #bayareasound #improvisation #guitar
Daily #SteveKimock. The early lineup of #Zero included wildman #JohnCipollina of #QuickSilverMessengerService.
Here’s a complete set from 1987. John was already quite ill by then but managed to carry on rocking for two more years before passing.
#stevekimock #zero #johncipollina #quicksilvermessengerservice #bayareasound #guitar #psychedelic #mastomusic
Sunday #SteveKimock. Kimock, Vega (#TowerOfPower, #SlyStone), Hertz (#GarajMahal), White (#Zappa), aka #KVHW was probably his most popular act. Unfortunately Ray had some “personal”issues at the time and kept no-showing for gigs.
Nevertheless, they had a great groove while they lasted. I picked this clip mostly to show the #FenderMustang fitted with the famous #Rickenbacker horseshoe pickup.
#guitar #mastomusic #improvisation #BayAreaSound
#stevekimock #towerofpower #slystone #garajmahal #zappa #kvhw #fendermustang #rickenbacker #guitar #mastomusic #improvisation #bayareasound
Daily #SteveKimock drop. 1990 with the legendary #psychedelic band #Zero. His well-known #CharlesLobue #Explorer through two #MesaBoogie MKIs. Mesmerizing #improvisation in g minor.
#stevekimock #psychedelic #zero #charleslobue #explorer #mesaboogie #improvisation #mastomusic #bayareasound #guitar #guitaramp