Bay Area weather forecast: Increasingly hot and windy until Wednesday, but not fire weather yet.
Rapid cooldown Thursday-Friday. Slight chance of showers on the weekend. #BayArea #BayAreaWeather #caFire #cawx
#bayarea #bayareaweather #cafire #CAwx
Light rain returns to Bay Area, but more is on the way #sanfrancisco #bayarea #sf #sfweather #bayareaweather #rain
#rain #bayareaweather #sfweather #sf #bayarea #sanfrancisco
Please don't be that person that doesn't feel like getting groceries or pizza in this weather so they order delivery.
If you can wait, please do. If you must, tip like you are giving hazard pay. Our roads around the Bay Area aren't made for the rain we are getting on top of the gale and flood warnings.
Another deluge coming to #MenloPark tonight. Sandbags are available. #weather #BayAreaWeather
#menlopark #weather #bayareaweather
Snow covers the summit of Mount Diablo as rain begins to fall in Martinez, Calif., on Friday, Feb. 24, 2023. #bayareaweather #snow #bayarea #mountdiablo
#bayareaweather #snow #bayarea #mountdiablo
If you have any topics you'd like to see a list of accounts for, pls reply here.
So far there is:
Full List:
The lists are short (as long as I can fit into a #Mastodon post) and I can continue to edit as I find new accounts.
#mastodonstarterlist #newsorgs #bayareaweather #blackmastodonstarter #aimlethicslist #joblistings #mastodonapps #mastodon
Hi mom. Of course I’d love to step right in the mud puddle. #Bo #rain #dogsofmastodon #BayAreaWeather
#bo #rain #dogsofmastodon #bayareaweather
Ugh. So glad to have the local #rain, but not happy with the way it is wrecking havoc on the street conditions. Having my car serviced as the tire was blown out by a massive street pothole. #infrastructure #BayAreaWeather
#rain #infrastructure #bayareaweather
You can view the real-time lightning and thunder map here:
#lightning #lightningstrikes #thunder #ThunderstormMastodon #BayAreaWeather
#lightning #lightningstrikes #thunder #thunderstormmastodon #bayareaweather
And now it’s THUNDERING. The rain is coming down in sheets. It’s pretty incredible. But - enough already. #BayAreaWeather #rain #california
#bayareaweather #rain #california
Rainy day dog. #BayAreaWeather #dogs #DogsOfMastodon #doodle
#bayareaweather #dogs #dogsofmastodon #doodle
I’m from the Midwest. A good storm is in my blood. Lets gooooo! #bayareaweather
@Squish So… it looks like you are a professional or hobbyist beekeeper? I used to be afraid of bees when I was young (stung a couple of times), but now I think they are amazing. I use #honey, and really appreciate #bees and their part of #nature. I hope you are keeping them happy and pollinating =). Stay dry this week! #BayAreaWeather
#honey #bees #nature #bayareaweather
Always keep the receipts (or data).
Our city dropped the ball managing the NYE storm, and almost immediately people wanted to write excuses by calling it "historic" rainfall.
The trouble is that it wasn't historic. Just in the time I've lived here & owned a weather station, I've recorded almost 1.5" more rain (than Saturday) in a day, without citywide flooding (4.95" on Dec 11, 2014).
Calling 3.57" "record" rainfall doesn't hold water.
#sanmateo #sfbay #sfba #bayarearain #bayareaweather
Massive tree. Just massive. No idea when this will get cleared. #bayareaweather #bayareawx #atmosphericriver #atmosphericfirehose
#bayareaweather #BayAreaWX #atmosphericriver #atmosphericfirehose
The sky above my neighborhood looks v gray, dreary, and ominous
So my 2022 went out with a bang. Literally. #atmosphericriver #atmosphericfirehose #weather #BayAreawx #bayareaweather
#atmosphericriver #atmosphericfirehose #weather #BayAreaWX #bayareaweather
It's damp out there, and we have a 2-foot-deep stream in our back yard where a four-inch-deep gutter normally carries all the water away.
3.44 inches of rain since midnight and it's still coming down. People are out clearing storm drains themselves. I took a look from a distance at the new pump station at the end of the very-full Poplar Creek and confirmed that it IS pumping water into the Bay.
#SanMateo #BayAreaWeather #BayAreaRain #BayAreaStorm #SFBay #AtmosphericRiver
#sanmateo #bayareaweather #bayarearain #bayareastorm #sfbay #AtmosphericRiver