Curiosity rover's latest workspace imaged on mission sol 3934 (August 31, 2023) after a drive of 25.45 meters (83.50 ft). Map & Drive data attached
#CuriosityRover #Marsrover #Mars #NASA #Space #workspace #data #map #BayerReconstructed
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk
#curiosityrover #marsrover #mars #nasa #space #workspace #data #map #bayerreconstructed
Curiosity rover's current workspace imaged on Sol 3887 (July 14, 2023). A processed mosaic of six overlapping Bayer reconstructed left-side MastCam frames covers an area about 2 meters (~6 feet) across. It shows details within the workspace accessible to the instruments and tools on the rover's two meter-long robotic arm. A 50 centimeter scalebar has been added (~20 inches).
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk
#CuriosityRover #Mars #space #curiosity #NASA #BayerReconstructed #ScaleBar
#curiosityrover #mars #space #curiosity #nasa #bayerreconstructed #scalebar
Curiosity rover's latest workspace, imaged on mission Sol 3885 (July 12, 2023). This processed mosaic of six overlapping Bayer reconstructed left-side MastCam frames covers an area about 2 meters (~6 feet) across. It shows details within the workspace accessible to the instruments and tools on the rover's two meter-long robotic arm. Scalebar provided.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk
#CuriosityRover #Mars #Marsrover #space #Curiosity #NASA #MSL #BayerReconstructed #ScaleBar
#curiosityrover #mars #marsrover #space #curiosity #nasa #msl #bayerreconstructed #scalebar
Curiosity rover's workspace, on mission Sol 3880 (July 6, 2023). A processed mosaic of six overlapping Bayer reconstructed left-side MastCam frames, it covers an area about 2 meters (~6 feet) across, and features details within the workspace accessible to the instruments and tools on the rover's two meter-long robotic arm. A 50 centimeter scalebar has been added (~20 inches).
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk
#CuriosityRover #Mars #Marsrover #space #curiosity #NASA #MSL #BayerReconstructed
#curiosityrover #mars #marsrover #space #curiosity #nasa #msl #bayerreconstructed