While walking around the Tübingen old town, I ran into some folks I met at #BayesComp2023 in Finland just 2 weeks ago. They're in town for the #ProbNumSchool starting tomorrow. Looking forward to it!
Taking stock of the past week (with apologies for the dense formatting).
'#BayesComp2023 Recap'
Were #BayesComp2023 talks recorded? And if so, will attendees be able to access them? Really curious about some of the talks in sessions I didn't see.
Now on the home stretch of the return journey from what turned out to be an excellent conference! Hoping to draft out a recap in the next few days. Massive gratitude all around to the organisers of #BayesComp2023.
Finally met a bunch of fellow @ArviZ devs at #BayesComp2023! @avehtari @junpenglao
#BayesComp2023 is over! This has been by far my favorite conference experience. The location was beautiful, the talks were all excellent, and I met so many people in person I'd heard of or interacted with online. Many thanks to the organizers! I'm already looking forward to 2025!
On Thursday I skied the 2nd time, and this was much more pleasant. It was clear and sunny, and I found a way to the blue slopes on the south side. It turns out to get better one really needs more than 3 seconds to practice technique before ending up face first in the snow! By the time I reached the bottom I learned how to parallel turn. I feel like I'm ready for a red slope now, but that will need to wait for another trip. #BayesComp2023
Last day of #bayescomp2023, I very much enjoyed yesterday’s panel on #ProbabilisticProgramming. Looking forward to today’s schedule.
#bayescomp2023 #probabilisticprogramming
Great panel on probabilistic programming at #BayesComp2023 with Mitzi, Tor, @junpenglao, and Henri and led by @avehtari #probprog
@mcmc_stan @pymc @TuringLang
Wow, BayesComp is intense with so many great talks and discussions with many people! I expect the poster session with 100 posters to be very intense, too. Not much time to post here
Very interesting talk by Tamara at #BayesComp2023.
@cameron you would have loved this.
If you're at #BayesComp2023 and see me, say hi! I especially like talking about #ProbProg, #JuliaLang, @TuringLang, @ArviZ, and how bad I am at skiing!
Tonight I'm presenting a poster about using Pathfinder.jl to initialize HMC and diagnose computational issues.
#bayescomp2023 #probprog #julialang
In Learning Bayesian Statistics podcast by @LearnBayesStats episode 21 https://learnbayesstats.com/episode/21-gaussian-processes-bayesian-neural-nets-sir-models-with-elizaveta-semenova/ @liza_semenova wished to have dinner with me, and today it happened in #BayesComp2023
Really enjoyed my first full day at #BayesComp2023. The talks have been interesting, and I've had a number of really nice chats during the breaks. Looking forward to the rest of the conference!
A brief recap of my first time downhill skiing. ⛷️ The very first thing I did was accidentally go down this red slope. ‼️ By "go down" I mean I flopped down like a rag doll with at least 10 wipeouts. 💥
Being a sucker for punishment, I repeated 3 times and got it down to 3 crashes. On the final try, I got a leg cramp and just laid on the slope until it went away.
Also my beard froze. 🥶 8/10 will be repeating.
I just realized that I had 0 equations in my slides for "Efficient Bayesian inference when likelihood computation includes numerical algorithms with adjustable error tolerances" today, and proud about that