Comme j'arrivais toujours pas à coucher sur papier le design que j'avais en tête, j'ai un peu *complètement* changé d'idée pour ma petite sculpture du moment, et j'y suis allé un peu comme un bourrin pour dégrossir la forme générale. Comme toujours, j'ai l'impression que rien ne va comme il faut, et que c'est nul. L'expérience m'a appris qu'avec un peu de travail, ça peut quand même donner quelque chose de correct.
#woodworking #Baymax
#BigHero6 ist so was wie ein animierter #Marvel-Film mit einer ordentlichen Portion #SciFi: Das Setting ist eine futuristische Stadt mit neon-erleuchteten Wolkenkratzern, wo amerikanische und asiatische Kultur verschmelzen und Roboter Einzug in den Alltag gehalten haben. Ein paar der Charaktere sind zwar ein bisschen nervig, aber die Ästhetik, der Elektro-Soundtrack und Knuddelbot #Baymax machen das wieder wett. Und ich liebe den Song "Immortals", den #FallOutBoy zum Film beigesteuert hat! 🤩😎
#bighero6 #marvel #scifi #baymax #falloutboy
guess which hamada bro instigated the scream challenge #HidashiMonth2023 #hirohamada #tadashihamada #hidashi #brocon #baymax #bh6
#hidashimonth2023 #hirohamada #tadashihamada #hidashi #brocon #baymax #bh6
Loved seeing a cast member last night with #baymax as his character on his #disney100 name tag. He loved my Baymax wallet. #disneyland #downtowndisneyanaheim #magicisback #magicishere
#baymax #disney100 #disneyland #downtowndisneyanaheim #magicisback #MagicIsHere
Bought myself some #Baymax themed gifts to make me feel better #IamSatisfiedWithMyCare
#baymax #iamsatisfiedwithmycare
In a few weeks time, I'll be interviewing Prof. Chris Atkeson from Carnegie Mellon University for the #RobotTalk podcast. His work focuses on developing humanoid and super-human robots, and inspired aspects of the design of #Baymax in Disney's #BigHero6.
What should I ask him? Toot me your questions or submit them here:
👩🏾⚕️ 💉
Sofia is Baymax's little helper
#ロリ #Loli #Sofia #Baymax
Alts @
👩🏾⚕️ 💉
Sofia is Baymax's little helper
#ロリ #Loli #Sofia #Baymax
Alts @
Disney wants to raise your kids – their not so secret grooming agenda in Baymax, Lightyear and more ~ KNIGHTS WATCH
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#disney #baymax #lightyear #knightswatch #grooming #art #community #conspiracy #monetary #politics #political #mentalmanipulation
#mentalmanipulation #political #politics #monetary #Conspiracy #community #art #grooming #knightswatch #lightyear #baymax #disney
Baymax, la serie tratta da Big Hero 6 è una lezione di storytelling #baymax #bighero6 #disney @Disney_IT #Disney @Disney_IT #serietv #10luglio
#10luglio #serietv #disney #BigHero6 #baymax
Dopo 8 anni torna `Baymax`: dalle mestruazioni al lutto, ecco il medical show secondo Disney - Intrattenimento #torna #baymax #mestruazioni #lutto #medical #show #disney @Disney_IT #intrattenimento #1luglio
#1luglio #intrattenimento #disney #show #medical #lutto #mestruazioni #baymax #torna
I know it’s got the haters frothing but I can’t help feeling that a world where children learn about periods, including that trans men have periods, at an early age unproblematically is the kind of world I want to live in.
💜 #Baymax
Baymax!, su Disney+ la serie animata dal film Big Hero 6 - #baymax #disney+ #serie #animata #film #hero #telenautait #29giugno
#29giugno #telenautait #hero #film #animata #serie #disney #baymax