La #película "La sociedad de la nieve" en el Festival de #Venecia #bayona #andes #Uruguay #viven
#pelicula #venecia #bayona #andes #uruguay #viven
For #StandingStoneSunday this is the Arrival Monolith in #Baiona, #Spain, not far from #Vigo. This stone was only erected in 1965 and it serves to commemorate the arrival of the caravel #LaPinta to this small port in 1493. #Pinta was one of the three ships of #ChristopherColumbus on his expedition to the New World the year before, and it was Pinta's return that broke news of the discoveries to Europe.
#History #Travel #TravelPhotography #Photography #Bayona #Galicia
#galicia #bayona #Photography #travelphotography #Travel #History #christophercolumbus #pinta #lapinta #vigo #spain #baiona #standingstonesunday
#Bayona Un alcalde francés desafía la política nacional al dar refugio a #migrantes #PersonasBonitas
#personasbonitas #migrantes #bayona