The downside of TGI in Bayonne in the 90s was that it was designed around "short hit" applications (often in perl) that appear, do something, and then go away. For running a T3 span, that's potentially a lot of application forks and process creations and destructions during a given call. In fact, for this reason, high call capacity #Bayonne telephony apps were usually purely written in ccscript.
One of the things that made #gnu #bayonne special was a system of multi-lingual voice support, including for correctly speaking numbers ("one, "two..), ordering ("first", "second"), plurals, etc, in different target languages. A phrase can be "described" just once in source and generated in each spoken language by assembling phrases from samples and applying special rules tokens, at runtime. This was at the time called #phrasebook. I have preliminary phrasebook support in #bordeaux.
#GNU #bayonne #phrasebook #bordeaux
I finally have debugged prompt sequencing for the new phrasebook system in #bordeaux, at least for english. We actually did studio work for #gnu #bayonne to produce the audio for phrasebook in the 90's, including in so many languages and voices. I am thinking of doing so from an existing tts for new default voice libraries and to do phrase based apps quickly. Anyone can still do their own studio work if they actually want to. All bayonne phrases were locally stored and trimmed.
Hey tomorrow it's moving day 📦🚚 from #Pau to #Bayonne #Baiona #MovingToEuskalHerria
* My infra will be down around 12h00 31th August to 12h00 1st Septembre so ~24h
* So this server will be down
* XMPP and Element not available too
#pau #bayonne #baiona #movingtoeuskalherria
RT @upzonenj Two years for this?!?!?!
RT @tapintobayonne A full-scale presentation on the construction of a new pedestrian bridge over Route 440 is also scheduled for the #Bayonne City Council meeting later this month.
Fêtes de #Bayonne : le Covid-19 flambe chez les festayres
Par Fanny Narvarte
Quelques jours après les fêtes de Bayonne, les premiers symptômes du #Covid-19 sont apparus chez des dizaines des festayres. Plusieurs pharmacies étaient à court d'autotests dès mardi 1er août.
"En trois jours, j'ai fait une trentaine de tests. Entre 70 et 80% des tests antigéniques sont positifs."
Bilan des fêtes de #Bayonne : 4 plaintes pour viols et une tentative de meurtre sur un homme toujours dans le coma.
Plus troubles de voisinage et boucan. Les bêtes torturées puis abattues, elles, ne sont pas comptées en victimes.
#bayonne #pratiquesdelavirilite
This story begin 4 months ago when I started to look for a new home.
Plan move from #Pau to #Bayonne, and rent a flat without furnitures.
But nothing yet, a lot of property are hold for airbnb tourists or worst some landlord rent for 9 month / year ...
This thread start here.
muhahaha la compagnie de bus qui annonce une grève pour le premier jour des Fêtes de #Bayonne
'“It’s going to be a massive parking garage. The redevelopment plan requires it,” Miceli noted, acknowledging that there would be more parking spaces than units – a rarity in Hudson County development.
'He added that the city wanted them to have enough parking not only for the units, but also for the retail, that would be included in the form of 20 spaces.'
RT @hudsoncoview #Bayonne council approves 18-story Silk Lofts East, which would be city’s tallest building
What's Going on Tuesday? #2023_06_20 #brooklynvegan #brooklynvegan_staff #music_news #whats_going_on_tonight_in_nyc #annie_hart #baaba_maal #bayonne #bloomsday #bonny_doon
#2023_06_20 #brooklynvegan #brooklynvegan_staff #music_news #whats_going_on_tonight_in_nyc #annie_hart #baaba_maal #bayonne #bloomsday #bonny_doon
🗺️ 🎙️
A #Bayonne le 17/06 ? dans le cadre de la liste rouge des araignées menacées en France je parlerai de mes deux passions : #carte et #araignée au Museum de Bayonne.
Avec de l'#opendata et la possibilité de me poser toutes les questions possibles sur les dames à 8 pattes.
🕷️ 🕸️
#conference #biodiversite #bayonne #Carte #araignee #opendata
Ist zufällig jemand auch in der zweiten Augusthälfte in Frankreich am Atlantik entlang unterwegs nach Nordspanien und hat Lust sich zu treffen?
#bordeaux #bayonne #biarritz #sanjean #hendaye #sansebastian #bilbao #zug
#zug #bilbao #sansebastian #hendaye #sanjean #biarritz #bayonne #bordeaux
Quatorzième journée de mobilisation contre la réforme des #retraites ! Toujours là ! ✊🏻😎
#manif6juin #onlacherien #bayonne
#retraites #manif6juin #onlacherien #bayonne