Looking ahead to #BB25 I hope players remember important game play, like #DanGheesling explaining in #BigBrother 14 how putting himself between alliances gave him flexibility. Who had his true loyalty? #Flashback TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8RjHFc7/
You can also be reminded in YouTube Short format: https://youtube.com/shorts/pqjeIwU2OZw?feature=share
Or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuzZ1ATAiKK/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
#BB17 #BigBrother17 #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TV #TVShow #Strategy #StrategyGame #StrategyGames #BeFlexible #Entertainment
#bigbrother17 #bb17 #entertainment #beflexible #strategygames #strategygame #strategy #tvshow #tv #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #flashback #bigbrother #dangheesling #bb25
In this Big Brother Flashback: Weeks before the end of Big Brother 17, Vanessa was trying to convince one of the twins how dangerous Steve would be at the end and how nobody would win against him. Hmmm. 🤔 Good prediction. 2nd TikTok today: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8e29dUK/
You can also see this flashback as a YouTube Short if you prefer: https://youtube.com/shorts/f0uBwe2q2-4?feature=share
#BigBrother #BB17 #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TV #TVShow #VanessaRousso #Strategy #StrategyGames #StrategyGame
#strategygame #strategygames #strategy #vanessarousso #tvshow #tv #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #bb17 #bigbrother
On both #BigBrother & #Survivor we too often see players wanting to make a #BigMove very early. But as Austin noted in this #BB17 flashback, it serves no purpose other than making that person a target. No jury will remember and reward something you did in Week 1. Today’s TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT81Pjf6D/
You can also see this Big Brother flashback of Austin as a YouTube Short if you prefer: https://youtube.com/shorts/CI_HLbOpi1M?feature=share
#WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TV #TVShow #StrategyGames #StrategyGame #strategy
#strategy #strategygame #strategygames #tvshow #tv #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #bb17 #bigmove #survivor #bigbrother