I’ll be streaming every day next week…
If you want to hang out and listen to my gibberish then please do! I’ll be working on my GD entry, couple of Blood Bowl commissions and hopefully some games of Blood Bowl 3 👌#WarhammerCommunity #streaming #warhammer #bloodbowl #bb3 #bloodbowl3 #40k
#warhammercommunity #Streaming #warhammer #BloodBowl #bb3 #bloodbowl3 #40k
#hobbystreak day 486:
So yeah I can see why the shrieking bb2 manbinos aren't happy: it's not just a reskin with extra teams.
Played a Nurgle team up against chaos played by AI. It's a lot better than I expected. Game was stable, fast paced - moreso than its predecessor - and graphics are ofc a lot better. Set up a league within #SquadChaos where we can see how multiplayer works. Interested? Shoot me a DM.
Or just accumulate experience to unlock the next team lol.
#hobbystreak #squadchaos #bloodbowl #bb3
Um 20 Uhr gibt's wieder ein offenes Treffen mit Vorstandssitzung. Bei Interesse einfach vorbeikommen.
Und wer heute nicht kann, hat evtl. am Wochenende Zeit und besucht uns virtuell beim #DiVOC #BB3.
Wer über die Osterfeiertage Lust auf ein digital verteiltes Online-Chaos hat, sollte unbedingt das diesjährige #DiVOC von Freitag bis Sonntag besuchen. Auch wir werden virtuell vor Ort sein und freuen uns auf euch.
@M0YNG It's the #EEZ Bench Box 3. It's a completely open source (hardware + software) bench power supply. Still getting used to it, but already like it 🙂 They had some issues with production, but finally the orders were shipped. It arrived yesterday, assembled it and seems to be working as it should 🙂 you find more information here: https://www.envox.hr/eez/eez-bench-box-3/introduction.html #oshw #bb3