The print-and-play phenomenon of #bbbathysphere has been repackaged and republished by WizKids. Learn more about this deep-sea diving game in Ian’s review of Bargain Basement Bathysphere!
#Bathysphere #sologaming #rollandwrite #boardgames #bbbathysphere
Bargain Basement Bathysphere (#BBBathysphere) is an amusing free, print-and-play, solo, legacy, roll-and-write game. (There is also a paid version, but here's the free one: ) My bathysphere, the Doomed Explorer has survived 5 of 8 missions so far. Thankfully, those are the missions where my success started mattering.
“I love my Bathysphere so much, I have called it @WilTryharder ! #BBBathysphere"