I enjoyed the extra eviction this week. I much prefer they use the normal boring nominations episode to do a full nom/pov/eviction rather than the double eviction episode. Also, Santina's game was done when Ty won veto. #bbcan11 #BigBrotherCanada
To those who are watching or checking what's going on in the eleventh and current season of Big Brother Canada so far, how would you describe it?
LOL, the look on the house's face when Santina got immunity for the week. First time that silly twist has had any effect on the game. #bbcan11 #BigBrotherCanada
Lol, Zach and his fucking Jerry Maguire bullshit trying to get everyone to quit the game because he lost. The punishment on Hope was very fair given that what he did gave him zero advantage in the game. #bbcan11 #bigbrothercanada
Also, Santina needs to stop being cryptic AF. Nobody understands what she means when she talks game and her targets. #bbcan11
Forgot how frustrating girl alliances are on Big Brother. Girl alliance gets power and immediately puts two girls on the block. #bigbrothercanada #bbcan11
As someone from Ottawa it's almost uncomfortable how NRC Bro Zach is. Basically parody. I'm obsessed. #BBCan11
Twenty-five-year-old Claudia Campbell of Kensington has been selected to appear in one of Canada’s most popular reality TV shows, @BigBrotherCA. #BBCAN11#PEI https://t.co/ebpAzLPZIX
Twenty-five-year-old Claudia Campbell of Kensington has been selected to appear in one of Canada’s most popular reality TV shows, @BigBrotherCA. #BBCAN11#PEI https://t.co/kZ4Xt2H7an
Why is #Elon treating these document reveals like Julie Chen revealing a twist on #BigBrother ? #bb24 #bb25 #BBCan11
#elon #bigbrother #BB24 #bb25 #bbcan11