BBC Arabic Radio shut down after 85 years along with Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Hindi, Bengali, Chinese, Indonesian, Tamil, and Urdu radio services.
Nasser was interviewed by BBC Arab Radio.
As a young boy in Baghdad, it was the voice of Nasser on Voice of the Arabs Radio after the 1953 revolution, picked up on Dad's Zenith Trans Oceanic solid-state radio, that my mind now goes back to.
Funny to revisit the old BBC News website too...
#oldskool #bbcnews #bbc #bbcarabic #radio #tv #web #trimedia #notanymore
#notanymore #trimedia #web #tv #radio #bbcarabic #bbc #bbcnews #oldskool
Huna London #bbcarabic
BBC Arabic's last radio broadcast and, with it, fond memories of a tri-media (world) first, Friday 20 April 2001.
#bbcarabic #bbcnews #bbc #radio #tv #web #trimedia #hunalondon #thisislondon
a #first and a #last
#last #first #thisislondon #hunalondon #trimedia #web #tv #radio #bbc #bbcnews #bbcarabic