It has always been the case that some patients will be transferred to a diferent #NHS within the UK if beds or expertise are not available locally. However, #BBC #Scotland love to trumpet cases where NHS Scotland sends patients to England because they think this proves we are better together. I wonder if they’ll bother mentioning this news about patients moving in the opposite direction?
#BBCBias Some English patients with eating disorders sent to Scotland for treatment
@dangillmor @BBCRD @BBC5Live @BBCRadio4 @BBCTaster @Connected_Studio @BBC_News_Labs For very good reason, the BBC brand in Scotland has lower levels of trust than elsewhere in the UK and more people in Scotland refuse to pay their TV licenses. I imagine that many are unlikely to follow any BBC instance over here just to hear the same bias we have been hearing for a long long time. Thanks but no thanks.
The BBC actually live streaming Nigel Farage on their website.
As if they haven't platformed this grifter enough over the past few years.
#NigelFarage #FarRight #BrexitShambles #BBCbias #BBC
#bbc #bbcbias #brexitshambles #farright #nigelfarage
Everytime I check anything about the bbc in Scotland. They're having to apologise for putting out false information about the ScotGov. I think we're onto the 4th in the last 2 months. It's unbelievable that anyone still thinks they're credible, but conveniently for them most people don't see or ever hear their apology #BBCBias
As per my previous post, here’s a list of the most recent BBC “mistakes” in reporting on the Scottish Government. This lists 3 “mistakes”, but the count is up to 4 if you include the latest “mistake” about legalising drug use.
BBC Scotland issues third correction over reporting in a month
This is how the BBC operates. It puts out an incorrect, misleading report, then corrects it later, by which time the damage has already been done. These “mistakes” almost always paint the SNP in an unfavourable light. They do it so often that it can’t be coincidence.
#BBC #BBCBias #Scotland #ScottishIndependence BBC corrects story on Scottish Government drug decriminalisation bid
#scottishindependence #scotland #bbcbias #bbc
The people of Scotland, according to the BBC, are not permitted to express pride in our achievements or aspire to be better than we are unless this is framed as being a part of the UK.
It is difficult to understand BBC Scotland. Do they hate Scotland? It feels very extreme. If they don't hate this country then why do they bend truth, balance and reason to fit their agenda which always seems to be anti-Scotland?
Well would you look at who's on Question Time tonight ... Kate Andrews, Assistant Director at the IEA and lobbyist for Private Healthcare.
Seems the BBC hasn't learned anything from platforming Farrige.
#BBCBias #UKPolitics #QuestionTime
#questiontime #ukpolitics #bbcbias
Biased? Government mouthpiece? Surely not. 🤬
#BBCBias #UKPolitics #RefugeesWelcome #TeamLineker
#teamlineker #refugeeswelcome #ukpolitics #bbcbias
Today: The boss of Ithaca Energy, a North Sea oil/gas company, is given a platform on #R4Today to explain that more tax on oil and gas is a bad thing, investors need stability or they might go elsewhere, and more oil and gas production in the North Sea is actually a good thing. He goes unchallenged and without a representative to give the opposite (correct) view.
Also today:
#UKPolitics #BBCBias #KeepItInTheGround #ClimateCatastrophe
#climatecatastrophe #keepitintheground #bbcbias #ukpolitics #r4today
@fkamiah17 That’s so unfair. Maybe they knew already, but the BBC has shown (again) they are now a partisan outfit in thrall to the worst of Tory / right-wing people. #UKpolitics #bbcbias #BorisTheLiar
#ukpolitics #bbcbias #BorisTheLiar
Anyone see Have I Got News For You last week? It seems the jokes about Clive Myrie's career weren't so funny after all.
#UKPolitics #BorisTheLiar #BBCBias
In case the paywall remover doesn't work, here's the headline:
"Clive Myrie pulled from BBC News at Ten over Boris Johnson jokes
Have I Got News For You included several scripted barbs about the Tory party"
#bbcbias #BorisTheLiar #ukpolitics
Nothing to see here. Another BBC presenter trying to protect the Tory UK Government from bad publicity. #BBC #BBCBias BBC presenter slammed for insensitive comment about Partygate video
@WiseWords QT makes me spit with rage at the best of times - when are they going to do a deluxe "we fucking told you so" edition, that's what I want to know. 😡
#BBCBias #BrexitBrokeBritain
More blatant audience manipulation by the BBC on #BBCQT
Worth remembering that the audience for Question Time used to be chosen by a supporter of the far-right Britain First.
Sadly, not shocking anymore.
#politics #altright #bbcbias #bbcqt
Did anyone watch Question Time last night? I couldn't bear to spoil my good mood. I can't imagine it was anything other than it always is.
#QuestionTime #ToryFiona #UKPolitics #BBCBias
#bbcbias #ukpolitics #toryfiona #questiontime
Unfair, imbalanced & partial. That’s BBC Scotland. Never trust them.
#BBC #Scotland #BBCBias SNP MP calls on Reporting Scotland to explain key 'edit'
Well, the BBC are allowing the headbangers to perpetuate this outright lie that the Committee is a "kangaroo court". Here's Lord Jackson (Con), on Politics Live:
"I don't think this report is the truth ... The people (on the Cttee) are masquerading as a quasi-judicial process ... This process wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes in a magistrates' court ...This is revenge for Brexit dressed up as a judicial process"
#UKPolitics #BBCBias #PrivilegesCommittee
#privilegescommittee #bbcbias #ukpolitics
Hey BBC #bbcbias. Any comment?
BBC Chiefs say it's 'wrong to expose Boris Johnson's lies because it undermines trust in democracy' via
In a development that will surprise precisely no-one, the BBC has continued to repeat the *lie* that Johnson was forced out by the committee this morning on the Today programme.
"Amol Rajan: "Boris Johnson is being forced out of Parliament"
#BBCBias #UKGovernment #PrivilegesCommittee
#privilegescommittee #ukgovernment #bbcbias