@zs The BBC, in reacting to comments about the Tories using the language of the Third Reich, act like the German state broadcaster of the 1930s.
BBC news output cannot be trusted at all now, today's headlines are the final proof.
Close BBC News or free it from tory control.
#bbcpropagandaoffice #bbcbollocks #bbcbias
RT @Nurseborisbash
The day after Jess Phillips spent five desperately sad, heartbreaking minutes reading out the names of women who lost their lives to domestic violence, Fiona Bruce excused Stanley Johnson's domestic violence as a one off.
But let's keep chatting about Gary Lineker.
They got rid of any presenter or comentator in Scotland who ever expressed even a whif of being in support of Scottish independence. They replaced them with "impartial" unionists. Half the population of Scotland stopped watching or listening to anything they had to say. Same thing now happening in England with fascism. #BBCBollocks #SwitchOff.
@ishmaellasting fair play to the other two. The right decision by them. The BBC is absolutely wrong.
#GaryLineker #BBCBollocks
BREAKING BBC announces tomorrow evening's Match Of The Day presenters.
#refugeesarenotillegal #GaryLineker #bbcbollocks