Neil Corry · @neilcorry
182 followers · 1196 posts · Server

Everyone is a bit giddy on this morning.


Last updated 1 year ago

well done on on building a run-off reservoir to reduce flooding, on cleaning up the while the is allowing dumping in , and and giving a shrug when it's reported and fine that equals a wagging finger and a "try not to do it again, chaps your shareholders need a fourth holiday home".

#gtto #oceans #waterways #rivers #uk #TorySewageParty #seine #france #bbcbreakfastnews

Last updated 1 year ago

"Big" don't need a "nudge" to help savers with increasing interest rates - they require a swift kick in the backside.

#banks #bbcbreakfastnews

Last updated 1 year ago

"the party risks eroding public trust on immigration".

Oh dear - "eroding public trust", that ship sailed due to screwing the country and economy by in six WEEKS.

By , , lying to , screwing the electorate, .

Then unelected weak and ineffective from , who has oft repeated and failed on all gone down like a lead balloon and the

#gtto #illegalmigrationbill #fivepriorities #rishisunak #ppescandal #parilaiment #PartyGate #Boristheliar #Truss #tory #nickeardly #bbcbreakfastnews

Last updated 1 year ago

Oh John, how naΓ―ve you are to think that has "feelings".

Really, she doesn't give a phuck that the is cruel and inhumane, it's kind of it's point. She even has the audacity to whine about while putting her hand out to claim her "expenses", kind of like her speeding ticket.

#bbcbreakfastnews #TorySewageParty #troylies #ToryCorruption #gtto #britishtaxpayers #illegalmigrationbill #SuellaBraverman

Last updated 2 years ago