BBC chairman Richard Sharp resigns after investigation
#bbc #bbcchairman #donationsto #rightwingthinktank
Why has Rishi Sunak hired the least serious man in Westminster?
#Sunak #Reshuffle #bbcchairman #shapps #johnson #Truss #DepartmentForInternationalTrade #sleaze #scandal #Raab #Anderson #channel4news #NextElection
Labour attacks ‘cosy relationships’ as head of BBC chair probe stands down | The Independent
#labour #bbcchairman #BBCChairProbe #CosyRelationships
Boris Johnson ‘was told to stop seeking financial advice from BBC chair’ | The Independent
Advice reportedly issued by top civil servant Simon Case
Tory sleaze is back – and here’s the proof | The Independent
Rishi Sunak promised to end era of scandal, but the Conservatives are ‘rolling in it’ once again, writes Adam Forrest
#TorySleaze #ToryScandals #ToryCorrption #Sunak #Zahawi #bbcchairman #johnson #williamson #knight #Pincher #parish #roberts #khan #rape #sexualassault #porn #Warburton #Raab #PartyGate #hmrc #TheSpectator #ToriesRollingInIt
The new tactic by this government and cronies is to shuffle responsibility for a conscience onto someone like an appointed ethics minister instead of using one they should have.
How much more of this will the British people take?
Shared from Ground
BBC chairman asks for review into his hiring after claims he helped Boris Johnson secure loan