@qtko If you play on PC, would you be down to run some sets? I played #Hakumen until taking an extended break from #fightinggames last year.
I agree that the mental part of a fighting game can be very fun and while i traditionally struggle with the mechanical execution side of the design, I've recently come to appreciate the ways in which that mechanical execution complicates the strategy in fun ways, like a more in depth version of accuracy in an RPG
Is #BBCF your main/only fighting game?
RT @BBCMOTD: The stats favour the reigning champions! 🏆
Their record against Poland will make for happy reading for Les Bleus... 🇫🇷
RT @BBCSportWales: Connor Roberts believes people have "misjudged" Wales' progress as a football nation after their World Cup exit ⚽
RT @BBCSport: Sitter missed ❌
Post hit ❌
Crossbar hit ❌
No goals in this one, but not for a lack of trying...
Report ⬇ #BBCWorldCup #BBCF…
RT @playCRgames@twitter.com
To celebrate #BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION Special Edition on Nintendo Switch, we're giving away this custom-skinned Switch courtesy of @ArcSystemWorksU@twitter.com!
Follow us and retweet for a chance to win the perfect system to practice your anime fighters on the go! #BBCF