BBC Micro:Bit as Handheld Synthesizer #Microcontrollers #lowpassfilter #MusicalHacks #bbcmicrobit #micropython #synthesizer #ledmatrix #Micro:bit #microbit #synth
#Microcontrollers #lowpassfilter #musicalhacks #bbcmicrobit #micropython #synthesizer #ledmatrix #micro #microbit #synth
BBC Micro:Bit as Handheld Synthesizer - The BBC Micro:bit, while not quite as popular in our community as other microcontr... - #microcontrollers #lowpassfilter #musicalhacks #bbcmicrobit #micropython #synthesizer #ledmatrix #micro:bit #microbit #synth
#synth #microbit #micro #ledmatrix #synthesizer #micropython #bbcmicrobit #musicalhacks #lowpassfilter #microcontrollers
From the archives:
What's that? You want to hook-up an original SN76489 programmable sound generator chip to a BBC micro:bit and play chiptunes on it? OK, here you go!
#retrocomp #bbcmicrobit #chiptunes
My spell check changes Micro bit, into Micro hit... I guest it is right in its own way :) #bbcmicrobit #microbit