Listen to my interview on BBC Radio Wales from yesterday to hear why current calls for the devolution of justice make sense historically. For most of Wales’ history, we have been able to blend and adapt laws to our own needs:
#history #law #commonlaw #englishlaw #welsh #welshlaw #welshgovernment #devolution #bbc #bbcradio #wales
#Wales #bbcradio #bbc #devolution #welshgovernment #welshlaw #welsh #englishlaw #commonlaw #law #history
To find out more order my latest book, ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’. You can get 20% off if you order it directly from Cambridge University Press and use the discount code SANDBERG23:
#radio #radiointerview #law #bbc #bbcwales #bbcradio #bbcradiowales #legalhistory #wales #commonlaw #lawyers #lawstudents #lawstudent
#lawstudent #lawstudents #lawyers #commonlaw #Wales #legalhistory #bbcradiowales #bbcradio #bbcwales #bbc #law #radiointerview #radio
Ars Technica: Paul McCartney: AI has enabled a “final” Beatles song #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #machinelearning #PaulMcCartney #EmiledelaRey #WingnutFilms #GeoffMartin #TheBeatles #BBCRadio #Biz&IT #BBC #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #machinelearning #paulmccartney #emiledelarey #wingnutfilms #geoffmartin #thebeatles #bbcradio #biz #bbc #ai
Paul McCartney: AI has enabled a “final” Beatles song - Enlarge / A portrait of The Beatles in 1966, as imagined by AI image sy... - #machinelearning #paulmccartney #emiledelarey #wingnutfilms #geoffmartin #thebeatles #bbcradio #biz #bbc #ai
#ai #bbc #biz #bbcradio #thebeatles #geoffmartin #wingnutfilms #emiledelarey #paulmccartney #machinelearning
#bbcradio sad day, it was announced, stream only available to the priviliged as they seek control over who listens #bbc4all #bbcradio4 - excluding a lot of devices
For me, Drum'n'Bass is a form of pure entertainment. I don't expect grand lyrics or overly complex compositions, just those driving basslines. That's why I love listening to this music while cycling.
The slightly older Essential Mix by Sub Focus and Wilkinson has this ability to make me start my ride calmly, but it doesn't take long before I'm pedaling at a decent speed!
#drumandbass #drumnbass #essentialmix #bbcradio #radioone
Niall Horan’s Soothing Rendition of Lizzy McAlpine’s ‘Ceilings’ Will Ease All Your Troubles
Check it out! 👇
#niallhoran #LizzyMcAlpine #bbcradio #musicnews #music
What do you mean, you never heard a flemish clacket? #gnihi #ScholaPolyphonicaNeasdeniensis #BBCRadio #HugoTurveyHucbaldTheOnlegged
#Gnihi #scholapolyphonicaneasdeniensis #bbcradio #hugoturveyhucbaldtheonlegged
I’m so looking forward to being a guest on #BBCWomansHour tomorrow, Friday March 31st, tune in, join us from 10am #BBCRadio4 - I’ll be chatting books and poetry with brilliant Anita Rani, catch us LIVE tomorrow morning or anytime via #BBCSounds #BBCiPlayer thank you!
#PessimismIsForLightweights #MrsDeathMissesDeath #bookchat #bbcradio #bookstodon #SalenaGodden
#salenagodden #bookstodon #bbcradio #bookchat #mrsdeathmissesdeath #pessimismisforlightweights #bbciplayer #bbcsounds #bbcradio4 #bbcwomanshour
@graay I can recommend - also generally speaking with regard to #autism in adults - the #bbc #podcast #1800secondsonautism (which is brilliant).
One of the two protagonists, Jamie Knight, sometimes „looses“ his ability resp. capacity to speak and talks about it several times throughout the podcast. Unfortunately, I do not recall in which episodes exactly.
@actuallyautistic #actuallyautistic #bbcradio #selectivemutism
#autism #bbc #podcast #1800secondsonautism #actuallyautistic #bbcradio #selectivemutism
Sunak on #BBCRadio 4 saying how lucky Northern Ireland is to have access to the single market. Yes, indeed - if only the whole of the UK had access to the single market.
Wow! I've just had 'I Saw A Flying Saucer' played on BBC Radio again!! This time it was BBC Music Introducing in Coventry & Warwickshire. A big thank you to them. Available to listen on BBC Sounds.
I'm really chuffed!!!
#BBC #bbcradio #isawaflyingsaucer #scifi #coventry #warwickshire #chuffed #RadioPlay #GrahamGrahamBeck
#bbc #bbcradio #isawaflyingsaucer #scifi #coventry #warwickshire #chuffed #radioplay #grahamgrahambeck
@billt March seemed so far away when the announcement was made; I still can't quite believe Digital Planet is ending. I'll miss listening to you & Gareth & the rest of the team every week. Please keep us updated on what projects you'll be working on beyond Digital Planet, & hopefully we'll hear you again soon.
#DigitalPlanet #Tech #Technology #TechForGood #BBC #BBCRadio #Podcast
#Podcast #bbcradio #BBC #techforgood #Technology #Tech #digitalplanet
I was just listening to BBC world and they referred to Northern Ireland as a province.
(I believe it's normal to call the "countries" within the UK as countries.)
#bbcradio #bbc #northernireland
#TIL about the Sleeping Forecasrt: soft berceuse #InstrumentalMusic program on #BBCRadio
I knew only of #BBC3 " Night Tracks" before now
#til #instrumentalmusic #bbcradio #BBC3
Inside the fight to save the local BBC Introducing shows: "It's so much bigger than just radio play"
#ukmusic #bbc #bbcradio #bbcsounds #bbcintroducing
Porque também isto está tudo ligado, @marcoantonio fala-nos de teorias misóginas, conspiracionistas, disseminação de mentiras, personagens autocráticas, e o absurdo a acontecer diante dos nossos olhos, enquanto nos apresenta um trabalho extenso e cuidadoso de um podcast da BBC, gratuito e acessível:
#almanaque #almanaquemag #marcoantonio #BBCradio #GabrielGatehouse #podcasts #investigação #thebiglie #invasãodocongresso #ataqueaocapitiolio
#TheComingStorm #almanaque #almanaquemag #marcoantonio #bbcradio #gabrielgatehouse #podcasts #investigacao #TheBigLie #invasaodocongresso #ataqueaocapitiolio
Please show your love & appreciation for BBC Music Introducing, such an important part of the grass roots of our music industry, which is now under threat. #bbcintroducing #newmusic #music #bbc #bbcradio
#bbcradio #bbc #music #newmusic #BBCIntroducing
Please show your love & appreciation for BBC Music Introducing, such an important part of the grass roots of our music industry, which is now under threat. #bbcintroducing #newmusic #music #bbc #bbcradio
#bbcradio #BBC #Music #newmusic #BBCIntroducing