Warning: Long threaded 'toot' about classic British radio comedy:
'Round the Horne' really was before my time, and I discovered the programme through BBC Radio 4 Extra. I was, of course, well aware of Kenneth Williams and Bill Pertwee from other work, but Kenneth Horne, Hugh Paddick and Betty Marsden were mostly unknown to me.
I have come to appreciate the amazing writing by Marty Feldman and Barry Took (whose work I also knew well from other contexts).
#bbcradio4extra #RoundTheHorne
For those of you that haven't caught up with Margaret Atwood's prophecies in The Handmaid's Tale, the BBC have a serialization at
#bbcradio4extra #margaretatwood #thehandmaid
There is no shortage of cringe-worthy comedy repeats on #bbcradio4extra
The series has finished on BBC Radio 4 Extra, but episodes of 'A Case for Dr Morelle' remain available for the next four weeks on BBC Sounds.
(And the theme music, featuring organ, oboe and bassoon, is delightful. Would love to know more about that music.)
#BBCSounds #drmorelle #bbcradio4extra #oboe #bassoon
I must admit to a certain pleasure in listening to recordings of the 1957 programmes of the mystery series 'A Case for Dr Morelle' on BBC Radio 4 Extra.
The mysteries are not very difficult to figure out, and the scripts revel in rather blatant stereotypes, but I find great amusement in the performance of Cecil Parker, who gets the opportunity to ham it up as Dr Morelle (and such hamminess is exactly what the role required).
#bbcradio4extra #drmorelle #cecilparker
Gourmet lunch of cheese on toast. Cup of posh tea.
It's raining again - so scrub that allotment trip. (It's ferkin' cold out there as well).
Back to listening to #bbcradio4extra which was my staple diet when I was first diagnosed with #depression 15 years ago. Radio comedy doesn't age well.
Feeling a bit brighter now.
I think I'll have a nap.
One of the most hilarious sitcoms i've ever heard!
#BBCRadio4Extra Radio4Extra
Nothing like a bit of radio comedy toke the night better. Love Elvenquest!
And my final point: Comedy requires brilliant writing. It does not matter how talented the performers may be if the scripts are mediocre.
Perhaps the pairing of Ted Ray and Kenneth Williams really was unworkable from the start, but whatever the reasons for the show's failure, it is certainly the case that 'The Betty Witherspoon Show' is not an example of classic British radio comedy.
#BettyWitherspoon #TedRay #KennethWilliams #BBCRadio4Extra #comedy
#bettywitherspoon #tedray #KennethWilliams #bbcradio4extra #comedy
Not all 'classic' radio comedies are classics. Case in point: 'The Betty Witherspoon Show' starring Ted Ray and Kenneth Williams, currently being rebroadcast on #BBCRadio4Extra.
I have tried three times to listen to episodes and have never made it through the opening dialogue between Ray and Williams. The dialogues are painfully unfunny, with Ray in his typical persona and Williams, well I'm not sure what he was trying to do.
('Toot' continues.)
#bbcradio4extra #bettywitherspoon #tedray #KennethWilliams
Just listened to William Shatner on 'Inheritance Tracks' on #BBCRadio4Extra discussing his spoken-word versions of 'Rocket Man' and 'Bohemian Rhapsody'.
Shatner's albums are kitsch at its most glorious, and I enjoyed the opportunity to hear him reminisce.
#bbcradio4extra #williamshatner #spokenword
In less than 10 minutes, Andy Hamilton on #BBCRadio4Extra playing Satan.
i LOVE Old Harry's Game
This is the most wonderful adventure of the War Doxtor so far. Maybe the most classic in style. Complete with an idiot form the KGB and daleks. And a traitor.
Thrilling. That's the word. And proof that you must NEVER make an enemy of the Doctor. Whataever the faces the Doctor has.
I needed the Doctor so much tonight :)
#DoctorWho #WarDoctor #BBCRadio4Extra #7thDimension #BigFinish
#doctorwho #WarDoctor #bbcradio4extra #7thdimension #bigfinish
And here we go! East berlin, 1961, and the War Doctor is in the hands of the Stasi.
Sort of usual for him.
#DoctorWho #WarDoctor #BBCRadio4Extra #7thDimension #BigFinish
#doctorwho #WarDoctor #bbcradio4extra #7thdimension #bigfinish
When the Chosen One is a dog who is turned into an human, you know the gods are a bunch of sons of some bitches because they think themselves really funny.
#bbcradio4extra #elvenquest #fantasy #comedy
In a few minutes, on #BBCRadio4Extra Vincent Price and peter Cushing co-starring in this serial about mutants and a scottish island
Ah, Peter Cushing AND Vincent Price as co-stars of this stry about mutants and a scottish island (i think is scottish). And the story's idea is from Robert Holmes.
Is almost perfect ^^
#scifi #petercushing #vincentprice #bbcradio4extra
@captainpovey Listened to the first episode of the first series of 'The Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise Show' from 1975 on BBC Sounds. While radio doesn't allow for the visual gags of their television work, I did find the radio show enjoyable and shall listen to more episodes.
#MorecambeAndWise #EricMorecambe #ErnieWise #BBCSounds #BBCRadio4Extra
#MorecambeAndWise #EricMorecambe #ErnieWise #BBCSounds #bbcradio4extra
HELL YES! A radio drama starring Peter Cushing And Vincent Price
Life isn't good. Is better!