The Talk, and associated resources are to stimulate discussion, education and conversation into the reality of some aspects of life lived while Black in the UK, in the hope that barriers will be removed and equality and equity of opportunity and access will increase.
This is a part of my discussion with Ngunan Adamu on BBC Radio Merseyside
Link to the film and resources:
#TheTalk #PSA #Racism #BlackMen #UK #HeartOfGlass #BBCRadioMerseyside #UpFront
#upfront #bbcradiomerseyside #heartofglass #uk #blackmen #racism #psa #thetalk
The Talk by Marjorie H Morgan is a short 'public service announcement' style film giving a brief insight into the personal impact of racism in the lives of Black young men in the UK.
I don't have a FB account, but this was shared there last year (2021), maybe you can watch it.
See thread for more details of the short film.
#TheTalk #PSA #Racism #BlackMen #UK #HeartOfGlass #BBCRadioMerseyside #UpFront
#upfront #bbcradiomerseyside #heartofglass #uk #blackmen #racism #psa #thetalk