RolloTreadway · @RolloTreadway
545 followers · 1645 posts · Server

is the theme for today's , and I must start with one of the most important and influential musicians of the 20th century: Delia Derbyshire.

This track is called Pot Au Feu, and is (as far as I'm aware) one of the first pieces that Derbyshire composed and recorded that wasn't intended for a TV or radio show. It appeared on the BBC Radiophonic Music album, released in 1968 to mark ten years of the famed Radiophonic Workshop.

Yes, that thumping beat is from 1968. So far ahead of her time, it's almost absurd, and it's impossible to imagine electronic music today without Derbyshire's pioneering work.

#shemakesmusic #JukeboxFridayNight #music #electronic #deliaderbyshire #bbcradiophonicworkshop

Last updated 1 year ago

Jyoti Mishra · @Jyoti
1144 followers · 6239 posts · Server

@SimonBrett @Pineywoozle @Extra_Special_Carbon

Bring back ->

After the unsurpassable , he did my fave arrangement of the theme.

Also, I want a synthier, more Radiophonic Who in general. It's all a bit too orchestral now and misses out on that spookiness.

#bbcradiophonicworkshop #deliaderbyshire #peterhowell

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1460 followers · 4276 posts · Server
Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1321 followers · 3190 posts · Server
Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1169 followers · 2486 posts · Server
909originals · @909originals
57 followers · 16 posts · Server

"I wanted to give the arrangement electronic backing..." How Paul McCartney and Delia Derbyshire 'almost' made musical history

#beatles #electronica #deliaderbyshire #bbcradiophonicworkshop #GetBack

Last updated 2 years ago