After breaking up with emacs, I’ve been floating around the realm of macOS text editors to decide what to invest in… It was down to and #BBedit and I finally shelled out for BBedit… Why that one? App Store distribution/sandboxing was the actual deciding factor… Though the fact that Panic has been slowly dropping support for my platform of choice (iPad), and many legacy Mac apps, definitely influenced me.
I really wish every app had a "Restore Defaults" button in its settings like #BBEdit. This would really useful in System Settings in particular.
Lint the current document with Rubocop and show issues in a #BBEdit results window. #Ruby
I started using #Vim a few years after using mutt full time for email.
Moving to jobs with an ‘enterprise’ environment finally killed my mutt usage. I continued to use vim during those dark 7 years that I had to use windows at work.
Once I started doing a lot less analysis and more knowledge mgmt, I started to struggle to keep my notes in vim in a way that made sense. I returned to #BBEdit after a 10 year absence.
Still use vim for server maintenance and nasty text munging.
@ellane @aboutgrau I’ll second that regarding use cases.
Back when I wrote code for a living, #BBEdit was my daily driver. But since my writing has become long form and invariably needing to be referenced, #Zettlr and more recently #Obsidian are my go to applications.
@jslr I generally take notes in text file windows in various editors. (The windows may or may not get saved to files, ahem #BBEdit.) I’ve been using #Logseq for a few months — enough to appreciate some of its linking and data management/query capabilities. I throw a bunch into @drafts. I’ve also used #Ulysses.
I used VIM when I'm in a terminal.
BBEdit when I'm not. I've been using both for a quarter century each.
BBEdit is my workhorse editor, but I do like some of the organization features of VS Code for some projects (like the ones you mention).
Might be enough to get me over to Windows again as a developer. Last time I tried that, some features were still missing (which VS Code provides now).
@bitsavers @ceejbot What did @bbedit eshittify after v12.1.6 (the last to run under #macOS #ElCapitan)?
You’re really missing out on things like #regex pattern playgrounds, a separate notes window, #LSP support, and buckets of other improvements.
AFAIK the only #Apple-“inflicted” change was #security sandboxing #BBEdit so that it could also be sold on the #AppStore, but I don’t think that changed much user-facing functionality.
#macos #elcapitan #regex #lsp #apple #security #bbedit #appstore
Daily notes for 2023-06-25
How to mix todos and prose. An Obsidian Today page. Woeful MetaTalk. Getting ready to say goodbye to Apollo. Markdown blogging. BBEdit and LSP. Goodbye reMarkable.
#daily #obsidian #metafilter #apollo #markdown #BBEdit #remarkable
#daily #obsidian #metafilter #apollo #markdown #bbedit #remarkable
Has anyone out there got #LSP support working on #BBEdit? I've got #marksman (Markdown) and #solargraph (Ruby) installed, BBEdit is giving me a green "ready to start server" indicator in the language config & its language server logs are showing me pretty normal-looking "server started" stuff.
Validated both Marksman and Solargraph using Emacs' LSP mode (and with eglot).
With BBEdit it's just ... nothin'. The little LSP indicator sits gray, doesn't respond to nonsense, etc.
#lsp #bbedit #marksman #solargraph
Congratulations @siegel and @bbedit for another great feature story on the #Mac #AppStore. "Where Respect Is Due," indeed!
Here are some earlier #BBEdit stories:
• Why it's the #TextEditor of choice for #coding, #writing, #DataScience, and more:
• Tips for prose #writers:
• Learn and experiment with #RegularExpressions for finding and modifying text in your actual work—safely!
#RegEx #RegExes
#mac #appstore #bbedit #texteditor #coding #writing #datascience #writers #regularexpressions #regex #regexes
I’ve always heard amazing comments about #BBEdit. It really does everything but coffee, but how does one get to master the tool? Seriously, the sheer number of features it covers is mind boggling.
@randomgeek $work has me using #VScode instead of my favored #BBEdit, and it’s okay. The remote dev stuff is pretty slick, and of course since it’s so damn popular the plugins automate what would ordinarily be more manual customizations elsewhere.
Kinda wish now that @bbedit would embrace a similar plug-in model with an in-app directory instead of requiring manual dropping of custom scripts and configs in various places.
Damn, I’m feeling some deep nostalgia right now of using Mac OS 9 and BBEdit to build some of my first web pages back in the day. 😭 I remember after first learning HTML on Windows one of my first web gigs was writing HTML for this small company in Chelsea which was the first time I used a Mac I think? I can barely remember.
@AdamBishop If I compare it to the standard "out of the box" text editor that we have on macOS, it works extremely well with #XML files (finds errors, etc.) I use it all the time to check weird #TMX data for ex.
It's also not too bad at editing/authoring such XML files and so I used it to rewrite the #DocBook sources of OmegaT's manual for ex., for that, it comes with tag completion, syntax coloring, etc.
So, that's something I really could not do with that standard macOS text editor.
If I compare it with the defacto pro-editor on macOS (#BBEdit), it comes with less fun regex but everything I mentioned above stands.
But then, it comes with a really nice writing environment called "org-mode" (modes are basically #emacslisp applications within Emacs and do all sort of things that a bare bones text editor can't do). I use org-mode all the time to write. org-mode comes with something that "captures" notes so that you can just write down stuff that come to your mind and store that in a side "location" without losing your focus, and then you can reorganize all your stuff when you have time.
If you come from VI, you have a VI typing mode with all the VI shortcuts, if you come from Windows, you have something like that too.
Think of it as a lisp virtual machine that comes with an editor and a thousand applications that deal with textual data (but not only).
#xml #tmx #docbook #bbedit #emacslisp
@vito Ruby in Nova has the same problems everything that relies on Solargraph does. If you don’t care about auto complete or diving into gems or any of that, you can pretty much use anything I feel like?
If that’s the case I’d just use #Nova and #BBEdit together, since they are both Mac assed Mac apps that excel in different areas.
I do think there is a lot of value in code discovery tools, autocomplete and a good debugger though.
@mos_8502 IMHO the best “#macOS way of doing shit” editor is #BBEdit. #VScode is about as un-#Mac-like you can get in an editor and still have a GUI.
Panes of scrollable nonstandard settings widgets that sometimes drop you into a JSON editor? Having to do all but the basics from a type-in command bar? No #AppleScript dictionary? 🤮
Trust me, try @bbedit’s full features for 30 days, then either pay or keep using the (pretty extensive) free features forever.
#macos #bbedit #vscode #mac #applescript
#BBEdit is still my #1 choice among editors on #macOS! Sure there are many other good ones, but when it comes to productive use of software, you can see its strengths in problem cases. Yesterday the team of @bbedit (@bbedit) proved it again in record time!
This is how support has to go!