Post #BBKLive thoughts.
Róisín Murphy, still admire her as a performer while being left cold by the music. Great costume change game.
Pavement I have very complicated thoughts about, won't go into them here now.
Tinariwen were probably the band I enjoyed the most. On a stage not too busy while the sun started to set. Best match of sound and timeslot.
There was a lot of hype for The Blaze, they were OK, too mellow for post-midnight though. And I'm sick of autotune / vocoders, every hiphop / reggaeton act earlier that day sang like they were tumbling off of a climbing frame.
By the time Jamie xx came on I was ready for bed.
Inoiz ez naiz BBKlivean egon eta inoiz ez naiz egongo, nire gustuko hainbat banda jo arren.
Barra VIP entxufatuentzat eta sarrera debalde jertzaloideentzat, lehenengo ediziotik zeudela entzun nuenetik, inoiz ez joatea erabaki nuen.
Edizio bakoitzean hanka-sartzeren bat egiten dute antolatzaileek. Aurtengoa euskararen asuntua, euskal kultura eta hizkuntza bost axola adieraziz.
Eta gainera holako festibal ultraKapitalista gero eta kontzertu gutxiago egiten uzten duten hirian. #BBKlive #boycott
@txerren bop bop bopbop, BBK live style.
Nik karteletan BBK irakurtzen dut. Haiena izango da erantzunkizuna.
Hala ere nik uste lerro artean irakurri behar dugula. Agian mezu izkutua da... Itxaropen gabe, eskumuturrak hartuta bizi behar dute bilbotarrek haien botxoa nortasunik gabeko parke tematiko girientzat bihurtzen ari dela ikusten.
Bai bai, hori izango da.
#bbklive #boikot
Almost everyone else at #BBKLive i know nothing about.
This guy seems interesting. Bit too much autotune maybe and this video has the Nazi frog in (but that seems to be less Nazi here than in the anglophone world.)
BEN YART - MAÑANEO (erebo prod.)
>Beat: Ben Yart & EreboMix and Master: EreboLAJOYERIA
And also at #BBKLive there's Pavement. I haven't got a story about them except that the one album of theirs I listened to a lot, Wowee Zowee, I listened to it on cassette. Not because it was cooler like that, because cassette was how you listened to things like that.
Was a bit disappointed that my copy isn't amongst the box of cassettes that I have here (yet!) But it's gratifying that despite not listening to them for 20+ years, this song is embedded in my brain somewhere.
Pavement - Rattled By The Rush (Official Video)
Going to #BBKLive tomorrow night and it's really hard for me not to sound like an insufferable hipster. Róisín Murphy? Seen her before, but not since the 90s.
Saw Moloko at (pre-fire) La Belle Angele in #Edinburgh, touring for their first album. The main thing I remember is the attitude and poses of her, like you see in this performance on French TV.
In a tiny wee club with no expectations, it takes a lot to make an impression. Haven't followed her career since then but I'm interested to hear her tomorrow.
Moloko : "Fun for me" live.wmv
>France 1996
RT" ha recibido testimonios describiendo una situación laboral en el #BBKLive con salarios de 3,5 euros/ hora, falta de contrato y "jornadas maratonianas" de hasta 15 horas trabajando sin descanso, "incitando a mentir si hay una inspección".