Die Vereinten Nationen haben heute das Abkommen für den Meeresnaturschutz #BBNJ verabschiedet. 🌊🐠🪸
Bis 2030 sollen 30 Prozent der Weltmeere unter Schutz stehen.
Mehr Infos: https://www.awi.de/im-fokus/un-hochseeabkommen.html
📸 Mario Hoppmann
RT @UNBiodiversity
#HighSeasTreaty #BBNJ https://twitter.com/hdavidcooper/status/1632226405437128704
Die Hohe See macht zwei Drittel der Erdoberfläche aus und 95 Prozent des bewohnbaren Volumens unseres Planeten. Für diesen Lebensraum und seine Arten gibt es nun erstmals ein UN-Abkommen. "Ein Meilenstein", sagt der Oldenburger Biodiversitätsexperte @hhillebr1 im Gespräch mit Lennart Pyritz, Forschung aktuell im #DLF.
Die Vereinbarungen betreffen Meeresschutzgebiete, Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfungen und Vorteilsausgleiche. Doch der Weg sei noch weit: https://deutschlandfunk.de/einigung-auf-un-abkommen-zum-schutz-der-hohen-see-interview-helmut-hillebrand-dlf-2ec13750-100.html
#BBNJ #HighSeas
RT @AngelBorjaYerro
Veo una entrevista en TV al niño Francisco Vera, presentado como experto ecologista, sobre el tratado del océano, y dice generalidades e inexactitudes. ¿Por qué le dan coba? #BBNJ
RT @Janefonda
WE DID IT! Yesterday, on March 4th, 2023, after years of talks, delay and emotional rollercoaster, governments finally concluded a Global Ocean Treaty!!! I am so grateful for everyone, including @greenpeace , who helped to make this historic win possible. #IGC5 #BBNJ
RT @Janefonda
WE DID IT! Yesterday, on March 4th, 2023, after years of talks, delay and emotional rollercoaster, governments finally concluded a Global Ocean Treaty!!! I am so grateful for everyone, including @Greenpeace , who helped to make this historic win possible. #IGC5 #BBNJ
What a crucial and significant success! #BBNJ is such an important agreement! Thanks to all who contributed to its negotiation. @IocUnesco will do everything to support its successful implementation!
RT @OceanUnger
„The ship has reached the shore“ Rena Lee, IGC President.
#NewTreaty agreed to protect half the planet but formal adoption still required #BBNJ
#MFAsg: RT @BurhanGafoor: « The ship has reached the shore » - Ambassador Rena Lee, President of #BBNJ Conference @SingaporeUN @MFAsg #UnitedNations #HighSeasTreaty #OceanConservation #HighSeas #UNCLOS https://t.co/Tf96n1WxHC #Singapore
#mfasg #bbnj #unitednations #highseastreaty #oceanconservation #highseas #unclos #singapore
This week, delegates from 193 member states will begin the final talks at the UN headquarters in New York to conclude negotiations for what scientists have described as a “once in a lifetime” chance to at last protect the high seas.
“There’s a real opportunity to make history with this treaty. It is arguably one of the most important international negotiations that no one has ever heard of.”
#BBNJ #MarineBiodiversity #Biodiversity #HighSeas #Ecology #Environment
#Environment #ecology #highseas #biodiversity #marinebiodiversity #bbnj
RT @undoalos
BBNJ conference resumed this week aiming to finalize the first-ever treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas covering nearly two-thirds of the #ocean.
More on ➡️http://un.org/bbnj
🔁Open Ocean Exploration :
This extremely rare box jellyfish, Chirodectes, is larger than a soccer ball and this is one of the only videos ever taken.
The oceans are so unimaginably vast, what else is out there?
Protect the high seas. @UN #BBNJ
Scuba Ventures Kavieng https://www.facebook.com/ScubaKavieng/videos/253522076865770/
RT @RebeccaRHelm
This is your regular reminder that baby open-ocean octopuses ride on jellyfish like little hats.
This week the United Nations is deciding if we will protect the open ocean. @UN YOU MUST PROTECT THEM! 🥺 https://www.npr.org/2023/02/19/1158215292/un-talks-to-safeguard-the-worlds-marine-biodiversity-will-pick-back-up-this-week
📸 Songda Cai: http://bit.ly/2MkUNPm
RT @HighSeasAllianc@twitter.com
The High Seas Alliance critters are ready go back to NYC 🇺🇸 for the final session of #IGC5.
🐠🐙 Their message is loud and clear: "We're all in the same canoe 🛶. Let's keep paddling towards a strong #HighSeasTreaty to #SaveOurOcean!".
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HighSeasAllianc/status/1618259433405964290
#igc5 #highseastreaty #saveourocean #highseas #bbnj #mpas #30x30
RT @Greenpeace@twitter.com
@VSinkevicius@twitter.com, what are you waiting for? Be an ocean champion and secure a strong Global Ocean Treaty to protect our blue planet and the billions of people who rely on it.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Greenpeace/status/1617837466672861184
RT @HighSeasAllianc@twitter.com
👏 Great news! This comes just in time for the #IGC5 final session which should deliver an ambitious #HighSeasTreaty to safeguard #HighSeas marine biodiversity for generations to come.
https://www.highseasalliance.org/2023/01/23/high-seas-alliance-reaction-to-us-joining-high-ambition-coalition/ #BBNJ #30x30 @MonicaMedinaDC@twitter.com https://twitter.com/SciDiplomacyUSA/status/1617651317648019456
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HighSeasAllianc/status/1617835176888860672
#igc5 #highseastreaty #highseas #bbnj #30x30
RT @HighSeasAllianc@twitter.com
❄️ 🐙 Seasons Greetings from the High Seas Alliance! 🐙 ❄️
🌊 We look forward to continuing to work together in 2023 to protect 2/3 of the world’s ocean.
#HighSeas #HighSeasTreaty #ListenToTheOcean #BBNJ #IGC5
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HighSeasAllianc/status/1605564016524500992
#highseas #highseastreaty #listentotheocean #bbnj #igc5
RT @HighSeasAllianc@twitter.com
During @CBD_COP15@twitter.com, ministers from Australia🇦🇺 Canada🇨🇦 @EU_Commission@twitter.com🇪🇺 France🇫🇷 Germany🇩🇪 Palau🇵🇼 Sweden and the US🇺🇸 met to to reaffirm their ambition of an ambitious #HighSeasTreaty to safeguard marine #biodiversity in #BBNJ. #OceanInTheRoom
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HighSeasAllianc/status/1604141191938707456
#highseastreaty #biodiversity #bbnj #oceanintheroom
RT @HighSeasAllianc@twitter.com
I’m not attending #COP15, but if I had thought it important enough, I would be the #OceanInTheRoom to support a robust and ambitious #HighSeasTreaty - 🇨🇳 President Xi Jingping #OneOceanOnePlanet #BBNJ #IGC5bis
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HighSeasAllianc/status/1600964712711299081
#cop15 #oceanintheroom #highseastreaty #oneoceanoneplanet #bbnj #igc5bis
RT @RebeccaRHelm@twitter.com
Right now UN delegates are deciding the fate of the largest habitat on Earth. Today is the last day of the last negotiation to protect biodiversity on the high seas. So let me show you all we can save... [a thread 🧵]
#bbnj #icg5 #highseas
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RebeccaRHelm/status/1563186213053313024