An enormous #OldGrowth #cedar #tree has been identified in #VancouverIsland ’s #ClayoquotSound possibly dating back over a millennium. The western #RedCedar reaches a towering height of 46 metres and stands five metres wide at its base.
It is currently the sixth largest redcedar in #Canada - according to the #BCBigTreeRegistry 🌲
#SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #StopDeforestation #ProtectAncientForests #CarbonSinks #biodiversity #StopEcocide #ecology #BigTrees
#oldgrowth #cedar #tree #vancouverisland #clayoquotsound #redcedar #canada #bcbigtreeregistry #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #stopdeforestation #protectancientforests #CarbonSinks #biodiversity #stopecocide #ecology #bigTrees
The Tyee: How the Hunt for Big Trees ‘Helped Me Ease Up on Myself’ #bcnews #TheTyee - via #TrackingGiants:BigTrees,TinyTriumphs,andMisadventuresintheForest #BCWesternForestProducts #BCBigTreeRegistry #Dr.SallyAitken #Norvan’sCastle #BCTimberSales #GregHerringer #BigtreesB.C. #ColinSpratt
#BCNews #TheTyee #trackinggiants #bcwesternforestproducts #bcbigtreeregistry #Dr #norvan #bctimbersales #gregherringer #bigtreesb #colinspratt