Global News BC: ‘It doesn’t pay the bills’: One of B.C.’s final video rental stores is closing #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Victoriavideostoreclosing #Victoriavideorentalstore #videorentalstoreclosing #Videorentalstore #bcvideostore #BCBusiness #PicAFlic #Victoria #BCVIdeo #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #victoriavideostoreclosing #victoriavideorentalstore #videorentalstoreclosing #videorentalstore #bcvideostore #bcbusiness #picaflic #victoria #bcvideo #Canada
Global News BC: B.C. mass timber company files for bankruptcy #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Structurlamfilesforbankruptcy #Structurlambankruptcy #southerninterior #southokanagan #Structurlam #USChapter11 #bankrupcty #BCBusiness #BCInterior #MassTimber #penticton #Arkansas #Business #Okanagan #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #structurlamfilesforbankruptcy #structurlambankruptcy #southerninterior #southokanagan #structurlam #uschapter11 #bankrupcty #bcbusiness #BCInterior #masstimber #penticton #arkansas #business #okanagan #Canada
#BCgovernment extended #InteractiveDigitalMedia #TaxCredit for another 5 years to lower #employment costs for #TechCompanies .
This tax credit is a #refundable tax credit equal to 17.5 percent of eligible 'salary & #wages in #BritishColumbia. This year’s extension, which is part of #BCBudget2023 will allow the program to operate until 2028 to continue #LoweringCosts for talent as the #TechSector conducts more #layoffs
#bcgovernment #interactivedigitalmedia #taxcredit #employment #techcompanies #refundable #wages #britishcolumbia #bcbudget2023 #loweringcosts #techSector #layoffs #bcbusiness #bceconomy #bctech #techindustry #bcpoli