rhtunstall · @rhtunstall
754 followers · 8724 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Week One:

Everyone in schools is already sick with what appears to be one of the most infectious variants to date, but you won’t hear anyone talking about it.

There will be no independent inquiry or exposé on how the govt embraced this virus; gave up on expensive tracking, containment or any sort of layered protection. How this govt chose (for all of us) to accept constant societal sickness as our new norm.

The won’t inform you on how this used teachers like Guinea pigs in their own private clinical trial while continued to openly lie about unchecked airborne transmission in schools.

They won’t remind you how our govt was caught hiding casualties in children with no negative press or pressure from .

In our new reality, there will be no to the thousands who have perished under and it’s policies while this continue to clutch their majority power.

There will be no mention of the thousands of deaths to come under this due to politically corrupted leadership and zero accountability by friendly press.

This govt, and will only ever work to hide, minimize and ignore the fallout from their cowardly surrender to .

They will only ever continue to hide the truth, continue to lie, continue to virtue signal and ultimately profit off our shared loss of community, loss of connection and loss of hope in humanity itself.

They will continue to ignore science and discriminate against our , constantly pushing a delusional post covid society like a desperate OxyContin doctor, all while silently sacrificing the last of us with no questions asked.

Soon they will begin their campaign for re-election, bragging about the death money they saved by giving up and accomplishing all these horrible feats in gilded secrecy.

They will try to convince us that they always cared, but we all now know “be kind and calm” was just another carefully scripted govt lie.

Don’t fall for the pricey virtue signalling. Don’t consume the endless propaganda, it’s only convincing because deception is their sole skill.

The hard truth is that these asinine “leaders” must be exiled for us to move forward. To heal we must first address the rampant virus that is our .

We need to work together to vote this , group of padded pocket politicians out! Our lives literally depend on it.

/end rant

#BCED #covid #BCNDP #teamaccess #bcmedia #BonnieHenry #msm #gbd #memorial #capitalism #leterrip #eugenic #bcpublichealth #adriandix #greatbarrington #COVID19BC #vulnerable #pr #bcgovt #corrupt #ableist #insufferable #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #newdeathparty #nodataparty #makeschoolssafe #masks4healthcare #cdnhealth #cdnpoli

Last updated 1 year ago

rhtunstall · @rhtunstall
677 followers · 7327 posts · Server zeroes.ca

is the , responsible for my complete loss of trust in this govt, , and endless apologists gloating in our .

I even lost a 20 year friendship to Bonnie’s lies & propaganda dividing British Columbian’s in a crisis.

I will never forget how leveraged our caring communities for profit, sacrificed our vulnerable, trashed vaccines & masks, withheld testing & hid covid deaths in children.

#BonnieHenry #heartless #ruthless #pho #BCNDP #publichealth #bcgovt #bcmsm #BCpoli #WeWillRemember

Last updated 1 year ago