Global News BC: BC Greens call for province-wide ‘universal’ school food program #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCuniversalfoodprogram #BCschoolfoodprogram #Canadafoodprograms #LiberalGovernment #B.C.GreenCaucus #BCfoodprogram #BCgovernment #BCGreenParty #Education #BCschools #Politics #BCGreens #Health #Canada #BCNDP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bcuniversalfoodprogram #bcschoolfoodprogram #canadafoodprograms #liberalgovernment #b #bcfoodprogram #BCgovernment #BCGreenParty #education #BCschools #politics #bcgreens #health #Canada #bcndp
Global News BC: Staff fired after abused foster child dies in care, BC Greens want Dean sacked #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #MinistryofChildrenandFamilyDevelopment #FirstNationschildabusecase #indigenouschildwelfare #LakieErrockchildabuse #ChilliwackChildAbuse #JenniferCharlesworth #BCfosterparents #MitziDean #Politics #BCGreens #Crime #MCFD
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ministryofchildrenandfamilydevelopment #firstnationschildabusecase #indigenouschildwelfare #lakieerrockchildabuse #chilliwackchildabuse #JenniferCharlesworth #bcfosterparents #mitzidean #politics #bcgreens #crime #MCFD
Global News BC: As ChatGPT’s popularity grows, BC Greens want artificial intelligence task force #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ArtificialIntelligence #AIregulationCanada #BCgovernmentandAI #openAItaskforceBC #AIRegulation #BCAIconcerns #BCGreenParty #Politics #BCGreens #chatgpt #AILaws #OpenAI #Tech #AI
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #artificialintelligence #airegulationcanada #bcgovernmentandai #openaitaskforcebc #airegulation #bcaiconcerns #BCGreenParty #politics #bcgreens #chatgpt #ailaws #openai #Tech #ai
This whole pandemic #RobShaw, a BC legislative reporter, has used his pro govt #twitter echo chamber to call out any criticism of our incompetent, obtuse #bcndp as “fringe” then block every one of them, limiting info. A true partisan hack.
Rob Shaw is a elite troll who habitually attacks #BCGreens credibility, because without his #BCndp masters in power he will lose his cheerleading job.
#Partisan #TeamAccess #BCpoli #Corruption #VoteThemOut #BCndpcaucus #LiarsAndCrooks #CdnPoli
#robshaw #twitter #BCNDP #bcgreens #partisan #teamaccess #BCpoli #corruption #VoteThemOut #bcndpcaucus #liarsandcrooks #cdnpoli
Good move by the #BCGreens!
Global News BC: BC Greens name high-profile surgeon as second deputy leader #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #seconddeputyleader #BritishColumbia #Deputy-Leader #BCGreenParty #sanjivgandhi #BCelection #BCpolitics #Politics #BCGreens #politics #bcpoli #Greens #BCNDP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #seconddeputyleader #deputy #BCGreenParty #sanjivgandhi #bcelection #BCpolitics #politics #bcgreens #bcpoli #greens #bcndp
‘High profile’ endangered species to receive new protections in BC nature agreement: internal docs
With plants and animals rapidly disappearing, BC and the feds are close to a new agreement to protect nature. But some environmentalists question just how strong protections will be
#conservation #30x30 #cop15 #extinction #bcpoli #bcndp #bcgreens
#conservation #30x30 #cop15 #extinction #bcpoli #BCNDP #bcgreens
#Supporting South #VancouverIsland #BCGreens - this past September. I'm not a member of the party but support their policies & efforts to try to hold current #BCgovernment accountable, when they're heavily outnumbered & regularly bullied by #BCNDP minions.
#supporting #vancouverisland #bcgreens #bcgovernment #bcndp
Well it's official, I've been elected to the BC Greens provincial council! Thank you to all members who voted for me. I won't let you down. #bcpoli #bcgreens
Today's the last day to vote for me in the BC Greens Provincial Council election! If you haven't already voted, please check your inbox for your Voter PIN. If you run into issues with voting, contact the party at The deadline is 6pm tonight. Thank you all for your support, it really means a lot to me. 🙏See you all at the AGM tomorrow at 7pm! #bcgreens #bcpoli
B.C. Green Leader Sonia Furstenau calls on NDP government to advance clear policies that recognize COVID-19 is airborne #COVIDCanada #BCGreens #COVID19 #COVIDIsAirborne #bcpoli #Coronavirus #cdnpoli
#bcgreens #cdnpoli #COVIDCanada #COVIDisAirborne #bcpoli #coronavirus #COVID19