Global News BC: Crash sparks fire and closes Highway 1 in the Shuswap #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Trans-CanadaHighway #salmonarmcrash #Fierycarcrash #SalmonArm #Highway1 #bchydro #Fire #RCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #trans #salmonarmcrash #fierycarcrash #SalmonArm #Highway1 #bchydro #fire #RCMP
Global News BC: Half of B.C.’s non-EV owners still unsure about road tripping in them, BC Hydro says #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #EVchargingstations #BCHydroEVresearch #ElectricVehicles #OwninganEVinBC #electriccars #Environment #EVresearch #Traffic #bchydro #EVs
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #evchargingstations #bchydroevresearch #ElectricVehicles #owninganevinbc #electriccars #environment #evresearch #traffic #bchydro #evs
Global News BC: BC Hydro bids to raise EV charging fees, but customers say time-based fees are unfair #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCHydrochargingrates #publicchargingrates #BCElectricVehicles #evchargingrates #EVcharging #bchydro #Canada #BCEvs #EVs #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bchydrochargingrates #publicchargingrates #bcelectricvehicles #evchargingrates #EVcharging #bchydro #Canada #bcevs #evs #BC
Global News BC: Evacuation order issued due to wildfire burning near Adams Lake: officials #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ColumbiaShuswapRegionalDistrict #ThompsonNicolaRegionalDistrict #BCWildfireService #WayneBilawchuk #AdamsLake #DorianBay #Wildfire #bchydro #Canada #Chase
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #columbiashuswapregionaldistrict #thompsonnicolaregionaldistrict #bcwildfireservice #waynebilawchuk #adamslake #dorianbay #Wildfire #bchydro #Canada #chase
Global News BC: BCUC orders third-party investigation into BC Hydro due to explosion #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #theBritishColumbiaUtilitiesCommission #downtownVancouverexplosion #Vancouverbchydroexplosion #BCHydrovaultexplosion #BCHydroinvestigation #bchydroexplosion #Investigations #Environment #bchydro #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #thebritishcolumbiautilitiescommission #downtownvancouverexplosion #vancouverbchydroexplosion #bchydrovaultexplosion #bchydroinvestigation #bchydroexplosion #investigations #environment #bchydro #Canada
Large #industrial users like the #LNGCanada plant would need beefed up transmission and substations for that amount of power, and it appears #BCHydro can’t guarantee #LNG #Canada that it could provide that much power and the associated #infrastructure in time to make a Phase 2 build-out electric.
#industrial #LNGCanada #bchydro #lng #canada #infrastructure
Global News BC: CEO shocked to learn BC Hydro explosion that razed his coffee shop ‘was not an accident’ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #downtownVancouverBCHydroexplosion #BCHydrovaultexplosionreport #BCHydroelectricalvaultfire #BCHydroelectricalvaults #BCHydrovaultexplosion #JJBeanBurrardStreet #bchydro #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #downtownvancouverbchydroexplosion #bchydrovaultexplosionreport #bchydroelectricalvaultfire #bchydroelectricalvaults #bchydrovaultexplosion #jjbeanburrardstreet #bchydro #fire
Global News BC: Wrong materials, outdated system factors in injurious BC Hydro vault explosion: Report #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Vancouverelectricalvaultexplosion #BCHydroelectricalvaultexplosion #BCHydroMarineBuildingincident #Vancouverelectricalvaultfire #MarineBuildingexplosion #BCHydrovaultexplosion #vancouverexplosion #bchydro #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouverelectricalvaultexplosion #bchydroelectricalvaultexplosion #bchydromarinebuildingincident #vancouverelectricalvaultfire #marinebuildingexplosion #bchydrovaultexplosion #vancouverexplosion #bchydro #fire
Global News BC: ‘Competitive rate’: BC Hydro to start first hunt for new electricity sources in 15 years #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCHydrolooksfornewelectricitysources #FirstNationscleanenergy #BCelectricalgrid #RenewableEnergy #BCFirstNations #CleanEnergyBC #Environment #Politics #DavidEby #bchydro
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bchydrolooksfornewelectricitysources #firstnationscleanenergy #bcelectricalgrid #renewableenergy #BCFirstNations #cleanenergybc #environment #politics #DavidEby #bchydro
This when compared to Site C in BC is exactly why it is so frustrating. Hydro is important base load but the at more than 10x the cost for a similar size project AND one that is funded predominantly by private capital. You can argue that AB might build out renewables faster under a different govt but they are still building them out faster than any other province so... Shame on us?
#hydro #BCHydro #solar #renewables #alberta #britishcolumbia
#Hydro #bchydro #solar #renewables #alberta #britishcolumbia
Seems #bchydro have dropped their customer service and I am livid.
An automated message simply informs you they are aware of the outage, but even after 7 hours one can’t get a basic estimate on when power will be returned.
At the breaking point, we phoned to demand compensation for their regular power outages but found we can no longer even connect to a representative.
#bchydro #monopoly #BCpoli #cdnpoli
Formal complaint to #bchydro, who has cut our power for “maintenance” 3 times this year already. We now have no power for the fourth time in five months. What a horrible useless, overpaid company.
We would switch power providers if we could but #bchydro owns the monopoly unchallenged. They will flood peace valley and we will all still be sitting in the dark.
@f800gecko I call #BCFerries #BCHydro #RoyalBCMuseum #ICBC as all #Pseudo #government #corporations because all of the above ARE. None of these entities survive without huge govt #subsidies that taxpayers fund.
If these so called corporations are really private - why the fuck do taxpayers fund mass subsidies for all the above named? It's because #BCgovernment depends on #undereducated & #unaware #citizens to keep on fucking us all over. #Demand #BCNDP #transparency & don't buy politician lies.
#BCFerries #bchydro #RoyalBCMuseum #icbc #pseudo #government #corporations #subsidies #bcgovernment #undereducated #unaware #citizens #demand #bcndp #transparency
Global News BC: BC Hydro hoping to be able to charge customers rates based on electricity demand #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Electricitydemand #ElectricVehicles #VariableRates #offpeakrates #Environment #Electricity #Politics #bchydro #OffPeak #Power
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #electricitydemand #ElectricVehicles #variablerates #offpeakrates #environment #electricity #politics #bchydro #offpeak #power
Global News BC: BC Hydro heat pump rebate not eligible for condos, frustrated owner finds #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCHydroheatpumprebate #Heatpumprebatecondos #BChydroheatpumps #BCHydroheatpump #ConsumerMatters #Heatpumprebates #Heatpumprebate #Consumer #heatpump #bchydro
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bchydroheatpumprebate #heatpumprebatecondos #bchydroheatpumps #bchydroheatpump #ConsumerMatters #heatpumprebates #heatpumprebate #Consumer #heatpump #bchydro
Global News BC: BC Hydro decommissioning 2 electrical vaults after Vancouver explosion #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #electricalvaultdecommissioning #ElectricalVaultExplosion #vancovuervaultexplosion #vancouverexplosion #bchydroexplosion #ElectricalSafety #electricalvault #Explosion #Vancouver #bchydro #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #electricalvaultdecommissioning #electricalvaultexplosion #vancovuervaultexplosion #vancouverexplosion #bchydroexplosion #electricalsafety #electricalvault #Explosion #Vancouver #bchydro #fire
Global News BC: B.C. Hydro report shows temporary pandemic routines may be ‘new normal’ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #covid-19pandemichabits #COVID-19Pandemic #pandemichabits #WorkFromHome #Lifestyle #newnormal #COVID-19 #bchydro
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #covid #pandemichabits #workfromhome #lifestyle #NewNormal #bchydro
The Tyee: BC Budget Hits Snooze on Climate Action (in News) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #BCMinistryofEnvironmentandClimateChangeStrategy #ElectricCommercialVehiclePilotsProgram #SurreyLangleySkyTrainproject #NewYorkInstituteofTechnology #BCCriticalMineralsStrategy #ClimateEmergencyUnit #EoinFinnMySeatoSky #BCEnergyStepCode #BroadwaySkyTrain #BCHydro’seDrive #RemiCharron #BCTransit #SethKlein #FortisBC #CleanBC
#BCNews #TheTyee #bcministryofenvironmentandclimatechangestrategy #electriccommercialvehiclepilotsprogram #surreylangleyskytrainproject #newyorkinstituteoftechnology #bccriticalmineralsstrategy #climateemergencyunit #eoinfinnmyseatosky #bcenergystepcode #broadwayskytrain #bchydro #remicharron #BCTransit #sethklein #FortisBC #CleanBC
BC Hydro is finally putting in place time-of-use rates. It only took 12 years after smart meters were installed.
- 11 pm - 7 am: 5 ¢/kWh discount (offpeak)
- 7 am - 4 pm: same price
- 4 pm - 9 pm: 5 ¢/kWh extra (peak)
This is a pretty small baby step, but hopefully, we'll see more comprehensive TOU rates in the future. This new rate might be useful to EV owners, but only if their evening consumption isn't too high.
#tou #bchydro #ElectrifyEverything
#ElectrifyEverything #bchydro #tou
@WestCoastChelle Thanks. This would’ve been much easier to manage in the spring, when one can walk outside and eat on patios if needed. I’ll manage, but this is a major inconvenience at an entirely inappropriate time. They should’ve postponed. #bchydro