Our chemical tool #BCL6 #degrader is now available for free from the SGC as part of their donated chemical probes programme. We are very pleased to support this initiative which enables researchers to access quality tool compounds for their research. Remarkably, this is the first approved degrader on their list, with no doubt many more to follow! https://www.sgc-ffm.uni-frankfurt.de/#!specificprobeoverview/CCT369260 #chemicalprobes #medchem #DrugDiscovery #tpd
#TPD #drugdiscovery #medchem #chemicalprobes #degrader #bcl6
We also have a new paper out this week: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-23264-z l
This report describes the start of a #DrugDiscovery programme - setting up assays, screening, crystallography. A lot of work goes into this #HitDiscovery phase and we feel it is often underreported, so great that Olivier, Maggie and team pulled this paper together.
Without this work, projects don’t get off the ground, so kudos to our #AssayDevelopment and #StructuralBiology colleagues!
#fragment #hts #bcl6 #xray #structuralbiology #AssayDevelopment #HitDiscovery #drugdiscovery